Representation -Congress smaller states in population (DE, RI, NH, GA, NJ, SC, NC, MD, and CT) - afraid that if it’s based on representation by population, they would be out voted in the Congress. larger states (PA, NY, VA, and MA) -afraid if states had equal representation, they would be out voted by the smaller states because there were more of them. Small States Large States Congress ? Equal Representation Representation based on population
The Debate * Virginia Plan- stated that representation in Congress be based on the state’s population. Favored the larger states. (James Madison) Large States VA Plan = Madison Randolph *NJ Plan - representation in Congress would be equal, every state has the same number of votes. This favored the smaller states. NJ Plan Small States = Patterson
= Had a two-house legislature (bicameral). Great Compromise The Great Compromise Had a two-house legislature (bicameral). Fixed the problem of population differences in the states. House of Representatives -based on a state’s population (large states). Senate -each state two Senators, which would give states equal representation CT Plan HR = Senate Great Compromise Sherman