4.5 Alexander the Great?
Early life Born 356 BCE to King Phillip II Studied under Leonidas, Lysimachus, and Aristotle
Military Experience Fought in his first military expedition at age 16 Age 18 was given command of the Companion Calvary and helped defeat Athenian and Theban armies at Chaeronea Once all the Greek states were united under Macedonian rule the alliance between Alexander and his father fell apart Him and his mother were ostracised
Gaining the throne King Phillip was assassinated at his daughter’s wedding Alexander’s mother outmaneuvered and manipulated Phillip II’s other wives and put Alexander, age 20 on the throne Alexander gained the support of the military and they helped murder other potential heirs and declared him feudal king
Corinthian League Coerced the Greek States to accept Alexander as leader of the League by 336 BCE all but Athens agreed Issued new treaties and gained full military control
Conquest Thracian Triballis in 335 BCE Massacre at Thebes Defeated King Darius III armies in 334 BCE and 333 BCE Declared himself King of Persia Besieged Gaza en route to Egypt Egypt fell easily in 332 BCE Alexandria created in 331 BCE Defeated the remainder of the Persian army King of Babylon, King of Asia, King of the Four Quarters of the World
Conquest Eastern Iran Northern India in 328 BCE Where his armies refused to advance any further Marched into the Persian Gulf in 324 BCE Many soldiers got sick and died Recruited Persian soldiers into his army
The End Alexander was said to be considering the conquest of Rome and Carthage in 323 BCE when he died of malaria