We Built a Research Toolkit. You Can, Too! Wendy Hayden, English and Stephanie Margolin, Library Hunter College, CUNY Step 1: Ask Step 3: Engage Colleagues Engage your faculty colleagues We have a Faculty Guide and do outreach Ask the questions your students are asking Step 5: It’s Recursive About our Research Toolkit Even when you think you're done, you're never really done. With two semesters under our belts, we are: editing and tweaking our live material creating new content soliciting content from our colleagues promoting and doing outreach putting together a plan to work with other faculty to assess what we've created and measure its usefulness In the summer of 2014, with funding provided by our college’s Faculty Innovations in Teaching and Technology (FITT) grant program, we (a librarian and a composition instructor) collaborated to build the Research Toolkit that currently resides on Hunter College Libraries’ website. . Our complimentary specialties enabled us to pool our resources, learn from each other and – most importantly – work quickly to build our Research Toolkit. While our project is research-based, it also comes out of our work with students and faculty. Contact Information library.hunter.cuny.edu/research-toolkit Step 2: Answer Step 4: Do It Wendy Hayden Associate Professor, English whayden@hunter.cuny.edu Stephanie Margolin Assistant Professor, Libraries smargo@hunter.cuny.edu Your material will be more effective if it's live, than if it's perfect. We went live at the start of our fall 2014 semester, We didn’t finish everything we planned (see Step 5), but right away, we were able to see that students and faculty were using it. For answers, use the tried and true. Collect your most effective worksheets and exercises and organize them according to your question-driven framework.