Liberty Pines Academy Assessment Policy 3rd Grade 2018-2019 Our goal at Liberty Pines Academy is to ensure that every student is successful at meeting the standards set for their grade level. To ensure this success, the following policies were developed. These policies allow for every student to have the opportunity for success if they were unsuccessful on their first attempt. Due to the fact that the needs of our study body vary, we have developed different policies based on the grade level of the students. The goal of the policy is still the same: to ensure mastery of the standards, but is adjusted based on the grade level and needs of our students. The 3rd grade Assessment Policy is as follows: • Students scoring below mastery will be eligible for retesting. • Students must complete the reteach and retest process within 10 school days of the test. • Students must complete a review of the material before retest. • Students can only retest once. • Only specific assessments qualify for retesting. (See next page in folder for specific subject assessments eligible for retesting.) • All retesting must occur in the quarter in which the original assessment was given. You may find this policy also outlined on the 3rd Grade Website: Please keep this Assessment Policy throughout the year to serve as a reminder of our desire to ensure all students are successful at meeting the standards.
3rd Grade Grading Summary 2018-2019 Items highlighted in BLUE and GREEN are eligible for retest, should a student not meet the mastery level of a state standard on the first try. Math Two categories (summative and formatives) 1. Unit Tests – summative (3 per quarter) 2. Common Formative (6 per quarter) 3. Math 4 Today Week – one per week – classwork 4. Fact Fluency - classwork Language Arts Comprehension Tests - summative (3 per quarter) 3. Novel Study Comprehension Tests– classwork 4. Vocabulary Quizzes - classwork 4. DBQ – classwork 5. Vocabulary/Grammar Assessment– classwork 6. Novel one-pagers – classwork Social Studies Two categories (summative and classwork) 3. Vocabulary Quizzes- classwork 4. Social Studies Lesson Review – classwork Science 1. Unit Tests – summative (3 per quarter 3. Vocabulary quizzes- classwork 4. Labs – classwork 5. Chapter one-pagers - classwork