William V. Richardson Jr. and John T. Barrera Stock Item Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) Warehousing Application United States Marine Corps Individual Issue and Unit Issue Facility (IIF and UIF) Implementation Training Course William V. Richardson Jr. and John T. Barrera
Purpose Used to create, update and delete Stock Items.
Background Stock Items process provides two function: Identifies those stock numbers that will be created by the Warehouse. Establishes the replenishment method and values. Stock Item creation also identify the Sourcing Type whether by using a Requisition or Warehouse Transfer.
Situation The Warehouse Officer has directed you to establish stock item(s) that will be used at the warehouse.
Stock Item Navigate to Catalog Mgmt tab. 1 Navigate to Catalog Mgmt tab. (1) Click on the ‘Stock Item’ option.
Stock Item (2) Click on the button. 3 (2) Click on the button. (3) After inputting all required information, click on the button.
Stock Item (4) To update the record, click on the button. 5 5 4 (4) To update the record, click on the button. (5) After updating the field, click on the button.
Stock Item (6 ) Click on the button. 7 6 (6 ) Click on the button. (5) To confirm a delete, click on the button.
Stock Item 8 (8 ) Click on the button to view the record history.
Stock Item 10 9 (9) Click on the button to open the Print Label Request form. (10) Click on the button to print the label.