Six Great Powers (and two not so great) Pre WWI – 1870-1914 Six Great Powers (and two not so great)
Six Great Powers Britain Superior nation because she had a head start in the industrial revolution Empire consisted of ¼ of the Earths surface Naval Supremacy – “Two Power Standard” Economic superiority – international relations (huge empire)
British Empire 1900
Six Great Powers Germany Otto Von Bismark, leader of Prussia united the German states through a series of wars Policy of “Blut und Eisen” which caused them to defeat France in the Franco-Prussian war Germany now held a new presence in world affairs
Six Great Powers Germany Continued Key to German foreign policy was to prevent encirclement (avoid a two front war) Germany was growing industrially Germany wanted an empire Built a great army Schlieffen plan
Schlieffen Plan In 1914, Germany believed war with Russia was extremely likely. If war broke out, Germany assumed France would also attack as she was both an ally of Russia and keen for revenge for her defeat in the Franco-Prussian war. If this happened, Germany would face a war on two fronts. Germany wanted to avoid this at all costs. Germany planned to defeat France rapidly and then turn to the eastern front for a major offensive on Russia. This was the basis for the Schlieffen Plan.
Six Great Powers Russia Trying hard to be a modern state Wanted a warm water port Huge poorly supplied army
Six Great Powers France Old stable country whose continental superiority was being challenged by Germany Second largest empire
Six Great Powers Austria-Hungary The “ramshackle” empire Ethnic problems Hated Germany, feared Russia
Six Great Powers Italy Shortage of everything except people Tried with little success to get an empire in Africa
Not so Great Power Turkey The “sick man” of Europe Had been a great European power, now in great decay
United States Isolationist: removed from the affairs of Europe A powerful nation Busy acquiring a nation (empire) in Central America
Japan In 19th Century she went from being a victim of imperialism to being an imperialist country