Introduction Potato is important crop in global food system ranking first in vegetable production and area growing @ 4.5 % per annum. One of the main cash crop for the farmers in developing nations with easy cultivation. True potato seed are tiny seeds harvested from berries produced on potato plants and usually sown in seedbeds 3-4 weeks prior to potato planting season in monsoon. Potato plants in beds produces small and tiny tubers, which are transplanted into the main field.
True Potato Seed (TPS) TPS are potato seeds developed from open pollinated flowers of desired potato varieties by crossing male and female lines of potato plants. TPS is used as seed material for potato cultivation and in plant breeding trials. TPS is method of sexual reproduction and plants obtained are genetically heterogenous. True Potato Seeds
Advantages of True Potato Seed One hectare field require 100 grams of true potato seed instead of 2 to 2.5 tons of tubers. Seed easy to transport, store and handle. TPS are healthy seed of hybrid varieties which are resistant to pests and disease. TPS reduces the potato crop production cost by 55 % thus increasing the net profit. Disadvantages of True Potato Seed TPS potato crop has a longer duration, less uniform in size, color and susceptible to environmental stresses.
TPS Planting Methods Harvest TPS from Fruit Direct sowing of seed in the main field or Raising seedlings in seedbeds and then transplanting in field. Growing seedlings in nurseries at high densities to produce seed tubers and then planting these tubers into main field. Harvest TPS from Fruit Ripe, soft potato fruits are harvested, put in a kitchen blender along with sufficient water and ground enough to break up the fruits and liberate the seeds. Leave this mixture in a plastic bowl to ferment for a day. When the seeds sink, separate, clean and dry them on a tissue paper.