ITCC Report to Faculty Senate, October 2013 Election of Vice Chair : John Singler (Math Department) Wireless network: Equipment upgrades proceeding to improve coverage Rogue access points, network policies need to be updated (Computer Security Subcommittee will be involved) Personal Backups: CrashPlan personal data cloud backup solution ( 25 user proof of concept starting Email: Pop decommissioning: Christmas break, about 50 pop users , need to move to IMAP or MAPI/Activesync. Computer Security Training: Info/training documents are being prepared (Web based) Training of all employees + students is coming (details still in preparation) Desktop Enhancement program: 4-year cycle, one standard configuration, displays not replaced automatically, Cost sharing for Macs
IT updates: Lumension: free anti-virus, patch management program for Windows available for download (see eConnection) 3D printing: one printer is running in the Library now still working on getting the color version up & running.