Waste Plant Operator Follow-up Meeting The Petroleum Registry of Alberta Energizing the flow of information Waste Plant Operator Follow-up Meeting Monday, April 13, 2009
Agenda Introductions/Welcome Ross Defined Post-implementation Items Ann WP Volumetric Facility Activity Report Validate Button on WP Edit screen WP ERCB Non Compliance report/sweep Allow Out of Province Well Ids Waste Location Report Waste Location Query Screen New From/to Misc Identifier Design Changes Requiring Additional Input Ann/Raffi WP Facility Non reporting Subtypes Cavern & associated IF reporting Questions/Answers Ann/Ross/ERCB
Defined Post Implementation Items WP Volumetric Facility Activity Report This report was designed during the Waste Plant Project, but due to resource and time constraints was excluded from the project scope. VI 38429 has been raised in the Registry’s Change Management process. This VI has been set to High which means it will be implemented within 3 months.
Defined Post Implementation Items Con’t Validate Button on the WP Edit screen During testing of the Waste Plant functionality it was recognized that a Validate button would be useful to allow users to confirm their data is correct prior to submitting it. VI 38431 has been raised in the Registry’s Change Management process. This VI has been set to Medium ARA 1 which means it is targeted to be implemented within 9 months.
Defined Post Implementation Items Con’t WP ERCB Non Compliance Report Sweep versions The WP ERCB Non Compliance report is currently located in the Submit Report Requests section. It should be moved to the Monthly Reporting Waste Plant section. The WP ERCB Non Compliance report currently does not have an automatic/sweep version that is “pushed out” to Industry. Industry requires a warning and a final version of this report consistent with what is available elsewhere for Volumetric reporting. VI 38433 has been raised in the Registry’s Change Management process. This VI has been set to Medium which does not have an estimated implementation date. Once the Waste Management group at the ERCB starts to look at implementing non compliance fees, an implementation date will be identified.
Defined Post Implementation Items Con’t Allow Out of Province Ids to be reported Waste Locations have been designed to require all Out of Province wells to be issued a WL Id. Industry has requested, and the ERCB Waste Management group has agreed to accept Out of Province Ids directly without the need to use the Waste Location process. This would be consistent with the current process in Volumetrics that allows Out of Province well Ids to be accepted without a Registry designated number. VI 38574 has been raised in the Registry’s Change Management process. This VI has been set to High-Outstanding. The VI needs to be reviewed by the technical team to determine the size of the change. Changes exceeding 20 man-days of developer effort must be funded as a separate project outside the O&M Change Management budget. Based on a High priority the VI would be implemented within 3 months of the analysis, depending on funding.
Defined Post Implementation Items Con’t Waste Location Report At implementation, Waste Location only included a Request function. Industry requires a report to provide complete information regarding the Waste Locations. The report will be available in pdf and csv, and the security rules regarding generator locations will be maintained on the report. VI 38575 has been raised in the Registry’s Change Management process. This VI has been set to High which means it will be implemented within 3 months.
Defined Post Implementation Items Con’t Waste Location Query Screen At implementation, Waste Location only included a Request function. Industry requires a query screen to view the Waste Location data. The security rules regarding generator locations will be maintained on the query screen. VI 38577 has been raised in the Registry’s Change management process. This VI has been set to Medium which does not have an estimated implementation date.
Defined Post Implementation Items Con’t New From/to Misc Identifier It has been identified that in some cases contaminated soil (solid) along with water is disposed to a Waste Plant. Water and solids are summed together and auto-populated back to the delivering facility. Industry has requested a new identifier to allow this non produced volume to be recorded as a receipt. A new identifier will be created- Alberta Waste Materials (ABWM). It can be used at the following facility types: Battery, gas gathering, custom treater, gas plant, injection, pipeline, terminal, and refinery. The reporting entry would be activity REC from ABWM Product Water. VI 38585 has been raised in the Registry’s Change Management process. This VI has been set to High which means it will be implemented within 3 months.
Design Changes requiring Additional Input Non Reporting Waste Plant facilities In order to quickly identify a variety of WP Ids that are not required to report monthly in the Registry, the project team set the operational status of these facilities to Retired. Proposed long term solutions: Identify additional WP subtypes that are non reporting. For example: 703 WP Transfer Station 704 WP Biodegradation Facility Other. Create a single new WP Subtype. For example: 703 Non reporting. A VI has not been raised for this item. Once raised, its priority will be set to Medium with no estimated implementation date.
Design Changes requiring Additional Input Cavern and Associated IF reporting Regarding IFs associated with Cavern Waste Plants (subtype 702), there is a need to change the reporting to show these injected volumes at the Cavern facility. The ERCB is currently investigating whether these injection wells can be given a new well status that would not require them to be reported at the IF. A final decision on this has not been reached. Internal reviews at the ERCB and the DOE will need to be completed and approved before this change can proceed. IF operators are requested to continue reporting as they have in the past. Once a decision is reached it is probable that amendments will need to be filed. If the above is not approved there is another proposal, but it is technically more difficult and will not be discussed at this time. See handouts for more information on the current proposal.
Proposed Cavern 702 reporting WP 701 Receipts from various sources Open Inv Close Inv Inv Adj WP 702 Receipt from 701 for injection Open Inv Closing Inv Inv Adj Deliveries/Dispositions To various facilities Reporting at the associated IF would no longer be required