Resistant Hypertension
Prevalence of Resistant Hypertension
Factors That May Influence Prevalence of Resistant Hypertension in Clinical Practice
Spanish ABPM Registry 24-Hour ABPM Identifies Patients With “True” Resistant Hypertension
JNC 7 Supports Combination Therapy
JNC 8 Supports Combination Therapy
Which “Thiazide” to Use?
Chlorthalidone Representative Outcome Studies
Chlorthalidone + Azilsartan Provides Better Blood Pressure Reduction than Hydrochlorothiazide + Azilsartan
Switching From Hydrochlorothiazide to Chlorthalidone at Same Dose Controls Resistant Hypertension
Treatment of Resistant Hypertension
Medication Adherence Next Frontier in Quality Improvement
Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Therapies
Association Between Medication Adherence and Costs
Interventions to Improve Antihypertensive Medication Adherence Systematic Review of RCTs
Abbreviations (cont)
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References (cont)
References (cont)
References (cont)