AP Music Theory Mr. Silvagni Non-chord Tones AP Music Theory Mr. Silvagni
Non-chord tones Non-chord tones (non-harmonic tones) are parts of a melody that are not part of the harmony They can be found in any voice and are used to embellish the music They may be accented (on a downbeat) or unaccented (on an upbeat) Three parts: Preparation (note before), NCT, resolution (note after)
Passing Tones Passing tone (PT) is approached and left by step in the same direction (i.e. C – D – E or E – D – C) Can be accented or unaccented Can be diatonic (part of the scale) or chromatic (non-diatonic, specifically in half steps [C – C# - D])
Neighbor Tones Neighbor tone (NT) is approached by step and left by step back to the original note (i.e. C – B – C or C – D – C) Can be accented or unaccented Can be diatonic or chromatic (again specifically half step) Incomplete neighbor or cambiata – approached by leap and resolved by step in opposite direction in “weak rhythmic position” Neighbor group or changing tone – two consecutive NCTs above and below original note (i.e. C – D – B – C)
Other NCTs Appoggiatura (App) – a specific incomplete neighbor that is approached by leap up and resolved by step down It is only accented…may sound like a suspension Escape tone or échappée (ET) – a specific incomplete neighbor that is approached by step and resolved by leap in the opposite direction It is only unaccented Anticipation (Ant) – approached by step and resolved with the same note The Ant. must not be part of the previous chord but must be part of the next chord
Suspensions and Retardations Suspension (Sus) – approached by the same note and resolves by step down A note in the preparation chord is held over and becomes a NCT, which is then resolved by step into a chord tone Suspensions are labeled by their intervallic relationship from the bass note (i.e. 9-8, 7-6, 4-3) They may be connected by a tie…if not, they are rearticulated suspensions Retardation (Ret) – approached by same note and resolves by step up Not very common, suspension with upward resolution