Weather is the condition of the atmosphere right now. Weather vs. Climate Weather is the condition of the atmosphere right now. Climate is the average weather conditions over a long period of time.
Georgia’s Climate is generally HOT Summers and Mild Winters. Spring and Fall are generally mild to warm. The average rainfall in the mountains is 56” to 70” The other portions of the state get an average rainfall of 40” to 50”
Georgia’s climate is mainly determined by it’s Geographic location. Warm Moist air is brought by winds from the Gulf of Mexico.
Georgia’s Climate When that warm moist air hits the Blue Ridge Mountains, it hits the cooler air of the mountains and deposits rain there. As a result, North Georgia gets more rain, and depends more on rainwater to fill it’s reservoirs.
Atlantic Ocean When the Warm Moist air of the gulf of Mexico hits the cooler air of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Rain is deposited there. Gulf of Mexico
Georgia’s Climate When the British thought about the idea for the new colony of Georgia in 1732, they thought that Georgia would be able to produce wine, silk, spices, indigo, rice, tea, oranges and cotton. This was because it’s latitude was the same as India and China who grew these things in the far east. (The Europeans wanted these things)
Climate and Development Georgia's Climate of Hot Summers and Mild Winters has contributed to its growth as a State. The Cooler Summers and scenic beauty in the North Georgia mountains have attracted many people to live in this region.
Climate and Development Mild Winters throughout the rest of the state have attracted farmers, businesses, and most importantly, the Military. There are currently 11 Military Bases in Georgia being either Army, Navy, or Air Force.
Georgia and Hurricanes Because of the expanse of Continental shelf, Georgia is less likely to be hit by a Hurricane. The Barrier Islands usually absorb the shock of any hurricane or tropical storm on the coast of Georgia.
Georgia and Hurricanes The Small concave shape of Georgia’s coast also makes Georgia a small target. Most of the Hurricane Damage in Georgia is a result of flooding from Hurricanes that have already hit other states.
Georgia’s Concaved shaped Coast The Continental Shelf
Most of the damage from Hurricanes in Georgia come from flooding, not winds, after those Hurricanes have passed through other states. The following pictures are from Hurricane/Tropical Storm Alberto which flooded portions of the Chattahoochee and Flint rivers in south west Georgia in 1994
It follows an irregular pattern around the earth It can affect Georgia's weather by shifting during the winter and bringing in cold air. Which then may mix with Moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, and bring snow. The Jet Stream is an air current that is approximately 30,000-40,000 feet above the earth’s surface, and flows at speeds of 100-300 MPH.
Gulf Stream The Gulf Stream is an ocean current that comes out of the Gulf of Mexico and flows along the eastern seaboard of the United States, then turns North east before breaking up over Greenland.