Wider Patient Engagement (WPE) – A student’s view… By Emma Lydon, BSc Adult Nursing student
Joined the Patient Participation Group (PPG) at my local GP practice and help to promote the PPG and health centre Got involved in the EHealth Productivity in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (EPIC) project Researched patient feedback on my placement areas using Care Opinion website and shared it with my mentors Researched CQC reports on my placement areas Attended study day activities – e.g. lecture by Simon Stevens, CEO of NHS England on ‘Creating a 21st Century NHS’ Carried out Twitter activity with relevant nursing groups WPE – What I’ve done
Agendas & minutes of Patient Participation Group (PPG) meetings / photos to evidence my involvement Agenda / attendee lists for EPIC events, link to video I contributed to, copies of emails Upload screenshots of relevant patient reviews on Care Opinion website Summary of CQC feedback for my placement areas Copies of my notes/learning from study day activities Upload screenshots of Twitter activity How I’ve evidenced it
How I’ve benefited from WPE Deeper understanding of what it’s like to be a patient Greater empathy with patients Met new people and expanded my nursing network Broadened my knowledge of the NHS, primary care services, future issues and how eHealth may help Helped to improve patient care in placements by sharing patient feedback and information that they were previously unaware of Opened my eyes to future opportunities
Tips for successful WPE View it as integral to your nursing education Think creatively – what’s relevant to your placement? Keep it simple – it doesn’t have to be onerous Be honest about how much you can reasonably contribute Push yourself to delve deeper… you’ll see the benefit