5th ESRC Research Methods Festival “Complexity Science Meets Social Science” PI Prof Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey Network Coordinator, Alison.


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Presentation transcript:

5th ESRC Research Methods Festival “Complexity Science Meets Social Science” PI Prof Nigel Gilbert, University of Surrey Network Coordinator, Alison Cooper www.csrw.ac.uk

“About the Complexity Science in the Real World Network….

Projects Map Project Map CLC - Care Life Cycle, Southampton ERIE - Evolution and Resilience of Industrial Ecosystems, Surrey ENFOLDing - Explaining and Forecasting of Global Dynamics, UCL London SCID – Social Complexity of Immigration and Diversity, Manchester Project Map SCID ENFOLDing ERIE CLC

Project Timelines Project 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CSRWn CLC 36 months CLC 60 months ENFOLD ERIE 72 months SCID

Scale of Projects (People and Finances as in Original Applications) PhD Students Total Staff PIs/Co-Is Researcher PIs PDRAs Co-ordinators Budget £ CSRW 1 1 or 4 124762 CLC 4 16 10 5 3301716 ERIE 9 13 7 4005856 ENFOLD 2954027 SCID 2 3231964 TOTAL 20 56 31 18 13618326

Aims and Objectives 1. Develop a national profile for an inter-disciplinary network devoted to applicability of complexity theory 2. Inform policy makers and influence the debate on policy issues with new perspectives and insights 3. Establish a creative network environment that will give rise to conceptual advances and effective applications 4. Promote the four Complexity Science for the Real World programmes as a unified network 5. Cultivate a cohesive relationship between the four CSRW programmes, thus facilitating dissemination of expertise 6. Support the development of further interdisciplinary and cross disciplinary projects

“Complexity Science Meets Social Science” Network “Complexity Science Meets Social Science” 5th ESRC Research Methods Festival Session Monday 2nd July 2012 15.30 – 17.00

Session Programme Time Item Speaker 15.30 Introduction to session and CSRW network Alison Cooper 15.35 ‘Complexity Theory’ and the Social Science – Systems and Models Professor Seth Bullock 15.55 Developing a Model of Trust in Communities Dr Nick Shryane 16.15 Modelling Spatial and Intervention Effects from London Riots Data Dr Hannah Fry Speakers will take Q&A as a panel All 17.00 Close

Systems can be social and are of interest to Social Scientists Mathematical Modelling and Complexity Theory can be applied to and informed by social challenges How is this being employed to understand the social challenges of ‘Community Trust’ and the ‘London Riots’?

What do these case studies have in common?