Standard III Resources Effective Practices in Accreditation Cheryl Aschenbach, ASCCC At-large Representative Alice Taylor, West Los Angeles College Matt Wetstein, Research and Planning Group ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA Outcomes Attendees discuss Standard III and effective practices for meeting relevant ACCJC eligibility requirements and policies. Not sure of the thought behind this slide. ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
Standard III’s Four Parts III.A: Human Resources (see Matt Wetstein’s PPT) III.B: Physical Resources III.C: Technology Resources III.D: Financial Resources (see Matt’s PPT) We’ll take these one at a time. *Should we rearrange them to make sure we get to the trickiest parts? Which are the trickiest parts? ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA Guidance ACCJC’s Guide to Evaluating and Improving Institutions The Standard (e.g., III.A.1), plus any related Eligibility Requirements Sample Questions—for the college and for the visiting team Effective Practices Potential Sources of Evidence ASCCC’s Effective Practices in Accreditation; A Guide for Faculty A description of the set of Standards (e.g., III.A) Effective Practices for meeting the standards ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA Example: III.B.2 The institution plans, acquires or builds, maintains, and upgrades or replaces its physical resources, including facilities, equipment, land, and other assets, in a manner that assures effective utilization and the continuing quality necessary to support its programs and services and achieve its mission. Plans Builds Maintains Upgrades Replaces Effective utilization Continuing quality Supporting mission The table suggests how many distinct topics need to be addressed—at least one for each cell. ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
Physical Resources ASCCC Summary of III.B demonstrate that safety and security are paramount in all locations on a campus; that the institution plans, builds, upgrades, and maintains buildings and infrastructure to meet the college’s mission and goals and to ensure a high quality of education; that physical resources are evaluated on a regular basis; long-range financial plans ensure that the college is financially able to grow into the foreseeable future-- considering the total cost of ownership for all resources. ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
What Evidence Can You Provide? demonstrate that safety and security are paramount in all locations on a campus; that the institution plans, builds, upgrades, and maintains buildings and infrastructure to meet the college’s mission and goals and to ensure a high quality of education; that physical resources are evaluated on a regular basis; long-range financial plans ensure that the college is financially able to grow into the foreseeable future--considering the total cost of ownership for all resources. ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
Physical Resources selected ACCJC sample questions How does the institution evaluate effectiveness of facilities and equipment in meeting the needs of programs and services? How does the college use the results of the evaluation to improve facilities or equipment? What elements comprise the definition of "total cost of ownership" that the institution uses when making decisions about facilities and equipment? ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
Effective Practices—Physical Resources ASCCC Ensure that all physical resource planning is integrated with program review and evaluation processes and relies on data, such as achievement and learning outcomes data. Participate committees that focus on creating and maintaining a safe and stable learning environment. Participate in the creation of facilities planning documents, such as facilities master plans, five-year capital improvement plans, and annual scheduled maintenance plans. ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA Technology Resources Includes: technology used in and around the classroom for student learning; computers, printers, and enterprise programs used in offices and to manage the college’s resources; cabling, servers, wireless portals, and other behind-the-scenes tools that enable all of the other technological resources to actually work. ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
Technology Resources ASCCC Summary of III.C Demonstrate adequate technological resources: to manage the institution to provide quality education to fulfill the college’s mission Plans for the regular update and replacement of technology Training in the use of technology, for faculty, staff, administration, and students Policies and procedures to ensure that all on campus are using these tools appropriately ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
What evidence can you provide? Demonstrate adequate technological resources: to manage the institution to provide quality education to fulfill the college’s mission Plans for the regular update and replacement of technology Training in the use of technology, for faculty, staff, administration, and students Policies and procedures to ensure that all on campus are using these tools appropriately ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
Technology Resources selected ACCJC sample questions How does the institution make decisions about use and distribution of its technology resources? What evidence is there that the institution bases its technology decisions on the results of evaluation of program and service needs? What technology training does the institution provide to students and personnel? How does the institution ensure that the training and technical support it provides for faculty and staff are appropriate and effective? How effective is the training provided? How is the training evaluated? ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
Effective Practices—Technology Resources ASCCC Ensure that all technology planning is integrated with program review and evaluation processes and relies on data, such as achievement and student learning outcomes data. Establish a Senate committee on classroom and instructional technology needs. Advocate for effective practices for the regular assessment and replacement of classroom and instructional technology. Participate in the creation of short-term and long-term technology planning documents, such as a master technology plan or distance education plan. Actively participate in the planning of professional development on classroom and instructional technology for on ground and online instruction. ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA
ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA “ Questions? ASCCC Accreditation Institute, Feb. 19-20, San Diego, CA