EVC Accreditation Update Fall 2017 PDD Thursday, 3/31/17


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Presentation transcript:

EVC Accreditation Update Fall 2017 PDD Thursday, 3/31/17 Nasreen Rahim Lynette Apen

Session Outcomes By the end of the session, participants will Outline steps taken by the college to address the ACCJC area of non- compliance with effective contact hours in distanced education classes Discuss finding from the staff and student communication surveys and next steps in addressing the communication quality focus essay project.

ACCJC Follow-up report Recommendation 5 (Compliance) In order to meet the Standard, the team recommends that the college further develop and implement a policy requiring increased regular and substantive contact for Distance Education courses, and subsequently evaluate DE courses for policy compliance. (Standards II.A.2, II.A.7, II.A.16) Follow-up report due to ACCJC March 15, 2018

EVC Progress: Effective contact hours DED DED committee Clearly Defined Message to faculty Feedback form Revised handbook

Timeline to the follow-up report ACCJC March ‘18 BOT approval February ‘18 Campus review November ‘17

Updates on EVC QFE communication project Campus Needs Assessment Initiated Staff communication survey Student communication survey Campus hiring communications lead (marketing) Committee in progress

Who responded to the student survey? A typical survey respondent: -is attending EVC in their second, third, or fourth semester; -is undecided on a major; -is currently taking 12 credit units (a full-time student); -is taking in person classes; -is most likely to read EVC campus messages sent to their email; -has excellent communication with their instructors; -lives within 10 miles from campus; -is on campus 3 to 4 days per week; and -arrives on campus before 10 a.m. - In March 2017 a total of 9,800 students were invited to complete the online survey consisting of campus communication and class scheduling items. The survey was open for 2.5 weeks, available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese. A total of 1,523 responses were collected (with a response rate of 15%).

Total Semesters at Evergreen Valley College Q1 – How many semesters have you attended EVC? N = 1,523

What is your current class schedule? Q3 – What is your current class schedule? N = 1,523

How likely are you to read information delivered in the following format? Q5 – How likely are you to read information delivered in the following format? N = 1,446

Effective Types of Media for Delivering Information Q6 – What media have been effective at delivering information (e.g., college news, day-to-day information) to you? (Select all that apply.) N = 1,446

How effective is the communication you experience in the following areas? Q7 – Rate the effectiveness of the communication (informal and formal) you experience in the following areas. Consider the communication you obtain in person, meetings, over the phone, and email. N’s range = 1,040 – 1,437

Summary Student Communication Survey Students are likely to read information delivered through text message or email. Students reported that email is the most effective type of media for delivering information. Two areas to improve communication involve communication students received from the Associated Student Government Council and their communication with council representatives. 8 out of 10 students rated EVC’s Overall Communication as either average, above average, or excellent.

EVC Staff Communication Survey Highlights A total of 494 staff were invited to complete the survey, and 127 staff members responded (resulting in a 26% response rate). n-=127

Overall Findings Staff Communication Survey

Next Steps