The Start of the COLD CHAIN Vegetable Storage Poplar Bluff Organics Farm Storage area Preparation Clearout old product -Wash and sanitize Ventilation and dry
Building or Room New or Existing Size Requirements -Now -Future Buy or Rent Climate Control Energy Requirements Access Containers -Bulk -Bins -Bags etc
Permanent or Temporary
Make a plan Organization What's going where Compatibility's -Temperature -Humidity -Off gassing Storage life Volume of each product Rotate ability - First in First out Rows /Shelves Numbering system Marking of Rows Ease of access -Hand carts -Pallet Jacks -Forklift
Storage preparation Clean out old Product Repair any Vents, doors, Fans, etc Install any new equipment /upgrades Wash and sanitize Dry out and ventilate
Prepare the Product Right time for Harvest Ripeness Product temperature Weather forecast Harvest Equipment Labor
Harvest Only store good Product NO Dirt, Rocks, Trash, etc Grade and Sort out all undesirable Diseased, Bruised, Cut, etc Anything you wouldn’t pay money for Handle gently, don’t cause more damage
Grade and sort
Monitor Cool down Period Temperature Humidity Air Flow Ventilation Condition of Product
Market Time Washing Packing Transportation