1.02 Team Communication
1.02 Understand effective communication Bell Work for Friday When you hear the word team, what do you think of? What kind of characteristics should someone have to be a part of a team? Do you think teamwork is an important part of healthcare? 1.02 Understand effective communication
Team Communication: Oral Reporting Report abnormal observations and results to supervisor immediately Report observations, test results, and patient requests to supervisor and care provider prior to leaving area Team reports occur at team meetings and the end of shifts 1.02 Understand effective communication
Team Communication: Written Reporting The chart is a legal document Information must be accurate Test results or observations are documented on the patient’s medical record 1.02 Understand effective communication
Team Communication: Written Reporting Use correct grammar and sentence structure Amending the patient’s record Make a straight line through the statement Record date and initial Do not erase or use whiteout 1.02 Understand effective communication
Team Communication: Electronic Reporting Electronic patient records Computer networks provide fast and easy access to patient data history diagnostics research Used to request patient diagnostic or treatment information Input via tablet, voice, or keyed entry Patient Diagnostic or Treatment Information: Diet Changes, Laboratory Tests, Medications, X-rays, etc…. 1.02 Understand effective communication
Team Communication: Electronic Reporting Safety measures must be implemented Confidentiality and HIPAA training Password protection Limited personnel access 1.02 Understand effective communication
Communication Technology Fax Follow agency policies regarding transfer of patient records Protect patient confidentiality Use cover page Confirm delivery to intended recipient 1.02 Understand effective communication
Communication Technology Internet Healthcare providers utilize the web to provide: information education Protect username and password Verify credibility of websites used for research 1.02 Understand effective communication
Communication Technology Email Be professional in content and grammar Make your message clear and concise. Respond in a timely manner 1.02 Understand effective communication
Communication Technology Email Check for spelling and grammar errors. Let your reader know if no response is required. If you reference another individual in your e-mail, you should CC that person. 1.02 Understand effective communication
Communication Technology Email Include contact information E-mail can lead to miscommunication because tone of voice cannot be heard REMEMBER - Rules of confidentiality and privileged communication apply to e-mail. 1.02 Understand effective communication
Journal #2 – Influences on Patient Communication Mrs. Summers is an alert, ambulatory, 85-year-old patient. She resides in Sunny Care Assisted Living Center. You observe that she argues about everything and with everyone. You cannot remember her ever agreeing to or being willing to do anything. Continued on next slide For example, she does not want to take her medicine, she does not like the food being served for the day, the staff does not clean her room correctly, she does not want to go to any of the recreation activities. Suggested answers: Demonstrate Understanding – Empathize with Mrs. Summers; allow her to share her thoughts and feelings; create a bond; Educate her about her medicines and help decrease her anxiety Sense of Partnership – Make Mrs. Summers to feel a part of the team, use active listening – restate her concerns and clarify frustrations Share common life experiences 1.02 Understand effective communication
Journal #2 – Influences on Patient Communication Clearly identify some influences on Mrs. Summers’ behavior. Include at least 3 communication strategies the healthcare team could use to improve their relationship with Mrs. Summers thereby improving her care. For example, she does not want to take her medicine, she does not like the food being served for the day, the staff does not clean her room correctly, she does not want to go to any of the recreation activities. Suggested answers: Demonstrate Understanding – Empathize with Mrs. Summers; allow her to share her thoughts and feelings; create a bond; Educate her about her medicines and help decrease her anxiety Sense of Partnership – Make Mrs. Summers to feel a part of the team, use active listening – restate her concerns and clarify frustrations Share common life experiences 1.02 Understand effective communication
Journal #3 – Patient Engagement Following the medical plan, you are helping Mr. Green learn to use a walker after his stroke. The greatest challenge is that his wife and family tell him that he does not have to bother with learning to get around himself. Now that he is retired due to disability, they tell him that he can just sit in bed and watch television. How would you talk to Mr. Green and his family about the importance of staying mobile? Suggested Answers: Understanding – Allow Mr. Green and family to share thoughts and feelings Education – Increase patient’s knowledge of illness and complications and to decrease anxiety; Make sure all patient’s and family’s questions are addressed Sense of Partnership – Work together on treatment plan with family and Mr. Green Deal with frustrations family may be feeling as well as Mr. Green Work together to establish interests and hobbies Mr. Green will be going back home to be involved in. 1.02 Understand effective communication