Chapter 14 Communicating with Customers Business Communication Chapter 14 Communicating with Customers Copyright 2010 South-Western Cengage Learning
Importance of Customer Service Making a profit Customers as a source of income Customers of non-profit organizations External customers Internal customers © Digital Vision / Getty Images External customers are people outside the company to whom you sell products. 14.1 Customer Service
Customer Service Culture Policies and procedures Customer contact Be accessible Give knowledgeable responses Use e-mail effectively Respond to Web site visitors 14.1 Customer Service
Customer Interaction Make a good first impression Provide quality service Be courteous Listen carefully Verify customer understanding Determine needs Behave ethically © Digital Vision / Getty Images Make eye contact and greet customers when they enter your area. 14.1 Customer Service
Manage Challenging Situations Refuse request gracefully Resolve complaints effectively Match the solution to the problem Deal with difficult customers © Digital Vision / Getty Images Listen carefully when a customer explains a complaint. 14.1 Customer Service
Truth on the Web Internet makes sharing “bad press” fast and easy Newsgroups Blogs Credibility of information Caution and good judgment should be used 14.1 Customer Service
Communication and Your Voice Voice qualities Pitch Tone Speech clarity Enunciation Pronunciation © Digital Vision / Getty Images The tone of your voice sends a message to your listeners. 14.2 Face-to-Face Communication
Parts of a Conversation Greeting Introduction Exchange Summary Closing © AbleStock / Jupiter Images A greeting begins every conversation. 14.2 Face-to-Face Communication
Guidelines for Success Relax Think before speaking Listen carefully and actively Use names Make eye contact Use a pleasant tone Be honest and sincere 14.2 Face-to-Face Communication
Reading Aloud May be required on the job Consider your tone, volume, and speed Pronounce words correctly Enunciate clearly 14.2 Face-to-Face Communication
Effective Telephone Communication Listen and observe verbal cues Speak clearly Be courteous © Stockbyte / Getty Images The telephone is an important tool for business communication. 14.3 Telephone Communication
Outgoing Calls Plan calls Take part in the conversation Leave effective messages Consider the time zone of the location you are calling. 14.3 Telephone Communication
Incoming Calls Record voice mail greetings Take messages Screen calls Telephone messages may be delivered by e-mail. Screen calls 14.3 Telephone Communication
National Do Not Call Registry Allows consumers to register telephone numbers Telemarketers may not call registered numbers Questions Why would a person want to register his or her telephone with the National Do Not Call Registry? How long will a registered telephone number stay on the registry? 14.3 Telephone Communication
Vocabulary accessibility blog credibility customer service enunciation external customer internal customer newsgroup pitch pronunciation screening calls tone