REGARDING CONTENT & PRESENTATION Template & Guideline For Best Practice Poster Presentation Abstracts at CML Horizons 18 Saturday 4th May 17:00 – 18:00 You will need to bring your poster printed to CML Horizons Conference. REGARDING CONTENT & PRESENTATION This year we are combining best practice session and posters in one unique session with dedicated time allocated to this. This provides a platform and opportunity for more organisations to be able to present their Best Practices with the CML Community. You can present any “best practice” activity, project, initiative or experience developed by your CML patient organization. During the allocated time for this session you will be required to stand with your poster and then talk the audience through your poster about the purpose of the project, how it was implemented, the outcome, conclusions and how it benefited the CML community. Prepare a brief talk of the purpose of your abstract/best practice poster. to say to interested participants as they pause to read your poster. Keep it short—a few sentences that highlight what you activities, a couple of key findings, and why they are important. Design your overview so that it captures your main points in a concise and compelling manner. After hearing your introduction, listeners will either nod and move along or comment on some aspect of your project that intrigues them. You can then tailor additional discussion to individual listeners, adjusting the focus and amount of detail to suit their interests. Gesture at the relevant sections of your poster as you make each point, stating the purpose of each activity. Prepare short answers to likely questions about various aspects of your project/activity, such as why it is important to your region/community and patients, methods taken to fulfill project, and specific results. Think of these as little modules from an overall speech—concise descriptions of particular elements of your project that you can choose among in response to questions that arise. It may be useful preparing few questions to ask participants, inquiring about their reactions to your project/activity, ideas for additional questions, or other countries working on similar projects. Practice your poster presentation in front of a test audience. REGARDING STYLE Size of the poster template: A1: 59 x 84 cm You can use our poster template or you can have your own design. Be as creative as you like! Use at least 36 point font for your text and at least 48 point font for the title. Your font style should be legible also. We recommend to use images, tables, photos or graphs. Minimum recommended size is 300 dpi. Remember that viewers will typically expect information to flow from left to right and from top to bottom. Use arrows, pointing hands, numbers, or letters to help clarify the sequence or flow of the poster. Use headings and subheadings to label your information.
A GOOD POSTER SHOULD BE: Template & Guideline For Best Practice Poster Presentation Abstracts at CML Horizons 18 Saturday 4th May 17:00 – 18:00 You will need to bring your poster printed to CML Horizons Conference. A GOOD POSTER SHOULD BE: Readable. Readability is a measure of how easy it is to understand the ideas and messages presented in the poster. If the text has lots of grammatical errors and misspellings, or contains complex or long sentences, it will be more difficult to understand. Legible. The text should be easy to read. A common error in poster presentations is use of fonts that are too small to be read from 1‐2 meters away, a typical distance for reading a poster. Well organized. Spatial organization makes the difference between reaching 95% rather than just 5% of your audience: the poster should flow in a logical format – this means that the reader will not have to search out information and can spend more time learning about the initiative. Concise. Studies show that you have only 11 seconds to grab and retain your audience's attention so make the punch line prominent and brief. Most of your audience is going to absorb only the punch line. Those who are really interested in the topic will seek you out anyway and chat with you!
TITLE ORGANIZATION LOGO RESULTS INTRODUCTION & AIMS CONCLUSIONS (The title should specify the type of initiative involved (e.g. patient information, capacity building, clinical trials recruitment, access campaign etc. and also acknowledge all those involved in the project.) ORGANIZATION LOGO INTRODUCTION & AIMS (This section should briefly describe the background to the project and why you decided to undertake the initiative and also the project aims and objectives.) RESULTS (This section should summarize the results achieved and highlight objective measures of success (or failure). CONCLUSIONS (This section should review key learnings (flagging up any pitfalls/challenges experienced during the project and how they were addressed) and provide some take home messages.) METHODOLOGY (This section should provide a brief overview of what you did. Be sure to include the following details: • Target audience • Tactics employed • Resources required (financial, human etc.) • Evaluation strategy) REFERENCES (This section should be filled if you cite others’ works in your poster, unless you inserted an abbreviated reference directly into the text)