Properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma Freddie Hendriks and Diewertje Doeglas
Outline Introduction Quark-gluon plasma Experiment Probes Theory Observations Outlook Summary
Introduction Quarks and gluons Asymptotic freedom and confinement Hadronization Source: Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 0545010 Source: arXiv:1001.0570v1 [hep-ph]
Quark-gluon plasma What is a plasma? Extreme pressure and temperature Every piece is still neutral! Electrically and colour neutral Source: Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 0545010 Source:
Where to find the QGP? Early universe Neutron stars Super nova explosions Particle colliders
Experiment RHIC (Brookhaven), LHC (Geneva) Heavy ion colliders Source: QU6
Experiment Source:
Probes Penetrating probes Photons Di-leptons Hard probes Quarkonia states Hadrons Jet quenching Advantages di-lepton: no blueshift, large kinematic range, constraints on the dynamics of chiral restoration Source: RHIC
Theory Quantum chromodynamics Lattice QCD Perturbation theory AdS/CFT correspondence Source: Source: Source: Source:
Lattice QCD Automatic renormalization Fermion doubling Source:
Lattice QCD results Equation of state Phase diagram Limitations: finite chemical potential Masses of quarks General discretisation problems Interpretation of result? + speed of sound Source: QU6 Source: Bazavov et al. (2014)
Perturbation theory Taylor expansion in coupling constant Feynman diagrams Weak coupling limit Source: Johan Messchendorp, 2017
Techniques Quasi particle Dimensional reduction Separation of scales Screened perturbation theory Works only for You learn the physics? Source:
AdS/CFT correspondence Holographic principle Limit of strong coupling Lower bound Used for calculations with non-vanishing baryon density, out of equilibrium Source:
Summary of theory Lattice QCD: from first principle Perturbation theory: interpretation AdS/CFT correspondence: bound
Observations RHIC Elliptic flow Jet quenching Heavy quark supression SPS - suppresion Enhanced strange quark production LHC Refined flow measurements Source: CERN Source: brookhaven lab
Elliptic flow Partial overlap in collisions Only expected for strong coupling Viscous relativistic hydrodynamics Fourier decomposition Source: Howard Wieman
Measuring elliptic flow Calculate Fourier decomposition using n-particle correlations
Outlook LHC FAIR Real future in Lattice QCD Source: LHC
Summary QGP predicted by QCD First found by RHIC in 2005 Expected to be weakly interacting but found to be strongly interacting Various theoretical approaches Measured properties of the QGP Real future of QGP in computer simulations