Joint Kempsey ‘Place Based’ Planning Moving Toward Mutually Accountable Care One Adolescent/Family At A Time, One Service At A Time Dr. Joanna Sutherland - Specialist Anaesthetist & NCPHN/MNCLHD Director Alan Pretty – Acting Director Mental Health and Integrated Care, MNCLHD Stephen Mann – Director Integration Mid North NSW, NCPHN
Rationale “Most of the problems encountered by children and families are multi-faceted and cannot be addressed by one intervention or agency alone… multiple interventions need to be ‘joined up’ and co-ordinated in order to be effective.” From Katz (2007): Community interventions for vulnerable children and families: participation and power.
Aims & Objectives Evidence/Need informed & locally responsive planning, broad engagement, reform oriented co- design based on shared LHD, PHN/GP, RDN & NGO data & quadruple aim Community based MH care coordination with group & individual interventions and peer support for 12-18 year olds & their families living in Kempsey LGA [If local & regional support for ACO/alliance contract] Agree fundholding & performance KPIs & over time reinvest productivity gains into other MH cohorts or locality priorities Link to H. Pathways, WF development & H. Literacy
Targeting person-centred & collaboratively designed care 12-24 year olds in the Kempsey LGA No. (%) 12-24 with Severe MH Diagnosis in Kempsey No (%) of Aboriginal 12-24 year olds with Severe MH Diagnosis in Kempsey 3,996 311 (7%) 93 (2%)
Health, Housing, Employment, Education, Community Agencies, Consumers & Carers IMHpact is a regional stakeholder group of government and and carer representatives which has 15 stakeholders currently Developed the Mid North Coast Mental Health Integrated Care Collaborative Dedicated Project Manager & Governance Framework & wanting to support research/reform Membership open to groups active in the provision of mental health care via Reference and Advisory Groups as well as affiliate membership and the broader community of interest.
Action Plan Key CEO engagement (AMS/PHN/LHD CEOs & Clinical Leads) by 20 April 2018 Community/Adolescent engagement & early scoping by 11 May Focus group data & benefit analysis re: gaps, priorities options & transition/establishment by 30 June Draft evaluation framework, and [if early funding identified] contractual agreement by 17 Aug Phase 1 (one child, one service incremental learning) implemented by 3 September Phase 2 (broader model such as schools/social/justice & WF upskilling) commences by 1 July 2019