Deinstitutionalization of Child Care Promising Practices and Potentials for Inclusion and Participation Harshika Ediriweera Assistant Commissioner – Department of Probation and Child Care Services Email :
Disabilities 8.7 % of Disable persons – Age of 5 and Above (Census of Population and housing 2012) Stay in CCI s depends on the severity of the disability
Children in Institutions 414 Child Care Institutions (CCIs) 14,179 Children (Source: Current Status of Child Care Institutions and Institutionalized Children in Sri Lanka, DPCCS, 2013)
Institutionalization & Disabilities -Causes (Source: Current Status of Child Care Institutions and Institutionalized Children in Sri Lanka – A Situational Analysis 2013) Among various many reasons Disability in Child and Disabilities in family members influence institutionalization of children
Institutionalization & Disabilities 1063 Special Need Children are in CCIs (536 Male & 527 Female) Out of 414 CCI s 33% CCI s have Children with Disabilities Majority of male children whose both parents alive are admitted to CCIs due to Disabilities or Illnesses 12.7% (Source: Current Status of Child Care Institutions and Institutionalized Children in Sri Lanka – A Situational Analysis 2013)
Institutionalization & Disabilities -Gaps & Challenges Lack / Insufficient Facilities & Aid equipment Lack of knowledge and capacity of care takers Economic difficulties Social Beliefs Lack of data & information Accessibility to services limited
Deinstitutionalization & Disabilities -Potential 576 Children are institutionalized due to Disability/Illness, have Both Parents alive This is 54% of the children with disabilities in institutions Need education & rehabilitation support for parents/families with children with disabilities Social & Economic Inclusion essential (Source: Current Status of Child Care Institutions and Institutionalized Children in Sri Lanka – A Situational Analysis 2013)
Government Policies Protection of the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities – Act No 28 of 1996 Promotion, Advancement and Protection of the rights of persons with Disabilities National Policy for Persons with Disabilities 2003 Principles and Strategies to integration Pub Ad Circulars 27/1988 and 01/1999 on Providing Employment to physically Disabled Persons 3% of Vacancies should be filled by physically disabled persons…. Disabled persons (Accessibility ) regulations No.01 of 2006 1996 Social Security Board Act 17 provides for a pension and insurance for people with disabilities in the case of accidents or old age Highlights Support the child for the total development of the child including strengthening right to participation, Family support, Family health, ECCD & education. Special section about youth skill development, career guidance, information dissemination etc.
Government Policies Contd… Inclusive Policies Guidelines & Standards for Child Care Institutions in Sri Lanka (draft) 2013 Minimum Standards and Guideline for water, Sanitation & Hygiene at Preschools National Guideline for Child Day Care Centers 2017 General Education reforms 1997 (Introduced Inclusive education) 1996 National Health Policy provides for early childhood development of children with disabilities in rehabilitation; and Development Centers with individual services, pre-schools, house visits, assistance devices, parental counselling and awareness for children suffering from acute and chronic mental illnesses
Promising Practices-Disability Interventions Community Based Rehabilitation Program(DoSS) Self Help Groups Volunteers Access Facilities Training & Capacity Building Counselling Aid Programs for Persons with disabilities(Gov & NGO) Medical, Housing, Self Employment, Disability Aid equipment Education Facilities (Gov & NGO) Special Schools Special Units in Mainstream schools Inclusive Education Education- Gov & NGOs Census of Population and Housing 2012
Promising Practices-Disability Interventions Contd… Vocational Training & Rehabilitation Centers National Department of Social Services 10 Vocational Training & Rehabilitation Centers (Avg 650 Persons) – For Youth 1 Child Rehabilitation & Guiding Center (Avg 100 Children) Schools and Centers for Special Need Children
LGBTQ It’s not in the child rights discourse in the country No research available within the alternative care field Pathologisation of diverse sexualities and resistance towards them Social, Cultural and religious beliefs
LGBTQ -Progressive Developments Circular 01-34/2016 Issuing of Gender Recognition Certificate for Transgender Persons Two Key Developments in Legal System Reforming the Penal Code to ensure that all offences contained in the Code are in compliance with international human rights standards. Present constitutional reform process includes the consideration of the explicit guarantee of non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Few NGOs promoting the rights of LGBTQ communities Responding to the questions and concerns raised at the third Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Sri Lanka in Geneva on Wednesday (15), Deputy Solicitor General Nerin Pulle said Sri Lanka was in the process of taking measures to guarantee the right to non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Daily Mirror 2017-11-17
Child Participation
Child Participation -Gaps & Challenges Attitudes/beliefs (adult centricism) and lack of understanding of meaningful child participation Cultural barriers and community dynamics Over identification of child participation with Children Clubs Focus and type of activities carried out in the clubs Lack of participation of Children in activities
Child participation in DI Potential Currently available spaces for child participation Child Clubs (few CCI) Strengthened Structure of Child Clubs and Councils (DPCCS, Provincial, Schools, NGOs etc) – Village to national level Amended DPCCS Child Clubs & Councils constitution which encourage participation of Institutionalized & Disable children in clubs Family group conference Village Child Rights Monitoring Committees (VCRMCs) Placement Committees Children consultation in alternative care policy & certain Civil society led DI processes(LPI)
Deinstitutionalization in Sri Lanka Gaps and Challenges for Inclusion & Potentials for DI/Promising Practices
Deinstitutionalization in Sri Lanka – Gaps & Challenges for inclusion Lack of information & information gathering systems Resistance to change Lack of Competencies Lack of Coordination
Deinstitutionalization in Sri Lanka – the Potential
Deinstitutionalization in Sri Lanka – the Potential Primary (general services) Many but insufficient/ineffective; poor accessibility Secondary (targeted services) Case management process (State) New national guidelines Care Plans Family Group Conferencing Clinical case management (sexual abuse) Promising practices (CSO): CERI – Kinship Care Sarvodaya – Community-based DI Project SOS CV – Family Strengthening Project Drop-in centres for street children/children from difficult backgrounds
Deinstitutionalization in Sri Lanka – the Potential Tertiary (reintegration) – State Placement Committee meetings ‘Back to Home’ project – Sabaragamuwa Province, expanding to other provinces Collaborative Care Plans – Central Province Other promising practices/models CBR for children with disability (State) – DoSS VCRMCs/CPCs (State/CSO) SOS Children’s Villages (CSO) – family-like care (Group Fostering) Policy and commitments of the government National Alternative Care Policy (Draft)– DPCCS Care Plans for vulnerable children – DPCCS (Rs. 30 mln) National Guidelines on Case Management – MoW&CA Family Policy – MoSS Check the status of the Family Policy
Deinstitutionalization in Sri Lanka – the Potential The Local Process Initiative (LPI)
All children should be a Part of the Society, not apart from society. Thank You !