Beowulf Study Guide
Characteristics of Anglo Saxon Culture *** From your guided notes paper *** Bravery in battle Bards or scops (pronounced SHOPS) used to elevate heroes of the tribes; very important Faith in God to intervene positively with fate Influence of old pagan religion Warfare! Loyal dependency
Anglo Saxon Ideals – What Guided Them Concept of FATE. believed their lives were ruled by FATE (or WYRD). Concept of FAME. sought immortality through a concept of FAME (or LOF) for the afterlife Concept of COMPANIONSHIP. valued relationships with one another and the king (COMITATUS) loyalty and love to your kinsmen, friends, and king for now
PAGAN CHRISTIAN Monsters and supernatural beings Lof (Fame) Warrior - Physical Strength Courage Pride (Heroic Boasts) Revenge (Weregild) Riches/Gold Loyalty Signs, Superstition, Wyrd (fate) Valhalla Sacrifice “The Almighty” Love Compassion Humility - “the meek shall inherit the earth” Forgiveness “love your enemies” Riches are in heaven, not on earth Sacrifice Heaven
Characteristics of Anglo Saxon Poetry *** From your guided notes paper: *** Lines do not rhyme Each line has four beats (rhythm); line is divided into 2 halves, each half having 2 beats Each line has a pause (caesura) after 2nd beat Kennings – phrases that are an elaborate and indirect way of naming person, things, or events Example – the sea is called “the pathless deep” or “the whale’s road” Alliteration
Hero's Journey Characteristics Emmet Beowulf 1. Main character is a hero (special abilities) 2. Charged with a quest 3. Hero tested 4. Hero has helpers 5. Travel to a supernatural world 6. Low Point: hero almost gives up/appears defeated 7. Resurrection 8. Restitution
Background of Beowulf Beowulf is relatively short (3,200 lines) Composed (first written down) between 700-750 in Old English by a monk in Scandinavia Believed to be composed by a monk due to the Christian elements in the epic