Giving Days: The Good, The Bad, The Future Jessica Roberts, University of Kansas Adrian Matthys, University of Texas at Austin Cory Chambers, West Virginia University
The Good •Broadened the base of donor support • 21% acquired donors •Secured 65 total matching gifts and challenge gifts, totaling $231,710 •Use of ambassadors to encourage participation •699 gifts from 123 ambassadors •$142,481 raised from ambassadors •Variety of engagement opportunities, including three different social media contests •Developed/fostered campus partnerships •University-wide planning committee •Student Endowment Board partnerships •Use of KU celebrities to promote the day More icons available at:
More icons available at:
The Bad •Steep learning curve in the first year •Education (both internally and externally) is a time-consuming process •Selecting participating units and/or •priorities •Gift processing challenges •Segmentation •Unforeseen circumstances •Classes closed on 4 of 5 campuses •Staff turnover •Credit card processing More icons available at:
2018 OVERVIEW • $734,621 Raised • 2,653 Donors • 1,898 Gifts The Future •Reevaluate counting methodology •Increased emphasis on ambassador recruitment and training •Implement a follow-up survey for ambassadors •Establish guidelines (including hard deadlines) for matching •gifts/challenge gifts •Continued discussion about participating units/priorities •Expansion of “power hours” to increase presence of campus leadership in command center •Reevaluate texting strategy 2018 OVERVIEW • $734,621 Raised • 2,653 Donors • 1,898 Gifts More icons available at:
The Good 2018 OVERVIEW $1.6M Raised 4,400 Donors 5,800 Gifts Reduced # of email received by individuals Centralized email control Set max # of messages for recipients Scheduled blackout times Gained traction with ambassador program 150 ambassadors raised $50,000 Made outreach more robust Plugged ambassadors into DoG platform Success with fac/staff pre-campaign effort $100,000 in new payroll deduction gifts Testing for feasibility of an independent campaign
The Bad 2018 OVERVIEW $1.6M Raised 4,400 Donors 5,800 Gifts Lower $ and donor totals that previous year No large gifts lined up Fewer gifts (expected), but also fewer donors (unexpected). Email not being delivered Poor university email behavior Suspected donor/alumni fatigue from email Suspect more messages going to spam
The Future 2018 OVERVIEW $1.6M Raised 4,400 Donors 5,800 Gifts Raise campaign profile Partner more with campus communicators Involve more university celebrities Involve more campus leadership publicly Grow ambassador program Encourage culture of volunteerism by activating base Purposively involve our brand champions Offset downturn in email channel
The Good 2.95M Raised 2,236 Donors 3,644 Gifts 2017 OVERVIEW 2.95M Raised 2,236 Donors 3,644 Gifts The Good Total number of donors on the day Pushed the importance of participation Matches and challenges created excitement across campus Had 40 match/challenge opportunities Helped bring attention to online giving
The Bad 2.95M Raised 2,236 Donors 3,644 Gifts Number of student donors 2017 OVERVIEW 2.95M Raised 2,236 Donors 3,644 Gifts The Bad Number of student donors Turn around on detailed reporting after the day Coordinating between 32 different departments across the campus/state
The Future 2.95M Raised 2,236 Donors 3,644 Gifts 2017 OVERVIEW 2.95M Raised 2,236 Donors 3,644 Gifts The Future Continue to create new and exciting matches and challenge Retain 2017 Day of Giving donors with creative communication, and also continue to find ways to capture new donors Expand on participating departments pages
Questions? Jessica Roberts, University of Kansas Adrian Matthys, University of Texas at Austin Cory Chambers, West Virginia University