Preparation for exams – Stress and anxiety


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Presentation transcript:

Preparation for exams – Stress and anxiety Year 11 Mrs Martin

Overview of sessions… Session 1 – What is stress and anxiety? Session 2 – Recognising how your feel Session 3 – Managing your feelings

What is stress, anxiety and depression? Session 1 What is stress, anxiety and depression?

What is the difference between stress, anxiety and depression? Stress is your perceived inability to cope with a stressor (something in your environment that causes stress). Anxiety is a feeling of fear or panic (it is a result of stress, which is completely normal). If the problem/stressor has gone away but you still feel anxious, that’s when anxiety can be a problem. Depression is persistent sadness that goes on for weeks/months (it is more than just low mood for a few days). Remember that these are all clinical terms that come with diagnoses from a doctor. If you feel any of these things for a short amount of time that is completely normal – especially around exam time!

Some stress is positive…

Stress – Your fight or flight response Stress has developed over many, many years as a survival mechanism. This is why it is a completely normal reaction in certain situations. Watch this video explaining what it is… Watch video to 1.38 More scientific video from 51 secs

Stress – Your fight or flight response You may feel some of these things when revising/going in to an exam… Feeling sick/change in appetite Pale Increased heart rate Sweating Breathing quicker Again, these are all normal reactions when put in a ‘threatening’ situation. Adrenaline makes our bodies respond in this way. When there is nothing to flee or fight, there is nothing to burn off the adrenaline, and therefore these feelings, and that’s why we may feel anxious. Watch video to 1.38

How do I recognise how I’m feeling? Session 2 How do I recognise how I’m feeling?

Recognising how you feel… It is very common to feel a certain way but not realise why. Sometimes worrying about exams can make you feel or do lots of things you wouldn’t normally!

Other feelings…

How do I deal with feeling stressed/anxious? Session 3 How do I deal with feeling stressed/anxious?

Things you should do to feel less anxious around exam time… Exercise – Aim for at least 20 minutes a day Eat well – Slow-releasing carbs are better than sugary foods Spread your study – Give yourself a realistic timetable Be prepared – Start revision early, like, now! Take regular breaks – During revision, have breaks to relax Sleep – Aim for 7-8 hours per night. Don’t pull all-nighters! Don’t avoid – If you avoid things that you don’t like, you will never give yourself a chance to prove that you can cope

Thoughts ‘Thoughts are thoughts. They are not predictions. Let them come. And then let them go.’

Breathe! Controlled breathing Get comfortable Breathe in for three seconds, hold for two and then breathe out for three.

Apps Calm – This is an app which supports students to meditate, breathe, sleep and relax. What’s Up – Supports students to decide what they are feeling and how they can support themselves to feel better. Daylio – A mood tracker which helps identify patterns in emotions. Relax Melodies – Various background noises which help students get to sleep. For more info you can pop in and see Mrs Taylor