Describe this areas population structure? Where in the world might this be? If you worked for the council in this area what problems may this structure provide you with? Listen to the radio article here
Ageing / Greying Population This is when a country has a large number of people over the age of 65 in their country. What are the impacts on the country? Listen to the radio 4 article on the at the very bottom of this page on ageing population
Two main problems Health care Pensions Provide more health care e.g. retirement homes, hospital beds, more undertakers, etc. Skilled health care workers, e.g. nurses, doctors, etc. Pensions 3 solutions Increase tax – not popular Raise retirement age – not popular Abolish state pensions – not popular
Case study: Italy's Ageing Population Read the newspaper article and then answer the questions on the article.
Questions What is Italy’s Baby crisis? List 5 changes that are occuring in the village of Vastrogirardi as it gets smaller Why is Italy’s birthrate falling so rapidly? (give 3 reasons) Describe and explain 3 different effects on Italy if the population structure changes in all villages.
Ageing Populations When the median age of a countries population rises and there is a rise in the proportion of a countries population that is over 65 years old.
Data Median age of all countries is due to rise from 29 now to 38 by 2050 At present just under 11% of the worlds 6.9 billion people are over 60; by that share will rise to 22% (of 9 billion) By 2050 33% of populations in developed countries will be over 60 Every one of the 2 billion people who will be over 60 by 2050 has already been born Over the last two decades, consumption by Europe's over 50s has risen three times as fast as that of the rest of the population. In France it took 100 years for the % of the population over 65 to double from 7% to 14%; in China a similar change is predicted to take less than 25 years. By 2040, the number of people over 64 in Britain is expected to grow from 9.5 million to 15 million. When pensions were introduced in the early 1900s there were 22 people of working age in Britain for every retired person. In 2024 there will be less than three.
Case Studies
Ageing Populations - UK
Youthful to Ageing - China
Ageing Populatios What evidence is there that the population in the UK is ageing? What are the reasons for this ageing? What are the positive opportunities provided by an ageing populations? What are the challenges and issues associated with an ageing population? What strategies has the UK implemented in response to the ageing issue? How effective will these strategies be and what additional options might the UK consider?