The end users requirements for service to power system operators Session 2: 14th Nov. 2016 SSA Space Weather Service Network Kåre Rudsar Oostende Nov 14
Fremtiden er elektrisk Introduction What we need 1) A GIC forecast that is precise and reliable 4-5 days before the storm hit the earth. Who are we? Power grid owning companies Pipeline owning companies Radio communications Businesses dependt on information from satelites (telecom, aviation, water supply etc). Fremtiden er elektrisk
What dilemmas do we have in common? The economic, social, technical and even political consequences of doing nothing in case of a Carrington storm may be enormous for the entire society. But, "no" harm by doing almost nothing so far We can "shut down" our systems, but to do this in a controlled way will take days. The economic and social consequences will be enormous. Nobody would dare to take that decision based on today's uncertain forecast "Shutting down" the system based on a false alarm will make it almost impossible to act up to a solar storm forecast again. Better sorry than safe Fremtiden er elektrisk
Measures to make the powersystem more robust to GIC Soft measures Recalibration of protection system and rising of trip level Modification of power system operating procedures Buy transformers designed to be more robust to handle GIC Hard Measures Neutral blocking device (more than 220 transformers) Series capasitors compensation of transmission lines (11 000 km high voltage power lines) Neutral capacitor blocking device Active cooling of transformers What do Statnett and other grid operators do? Soft measures are executed. Hard measures are costly, and will probably only be seriously considered if GIC damage a number of transformers in Europe Fremtiden er elektrisk
Fremtiden er elektrisk Conclusion We think that a Carrington storm will hit the earth sometimes in the future But Current forcasts is to vague, to uncertain and comes to late to enforce any action. We do not know enough about the destructive effect of sunstorms on our lines and transformers to invest in hard measures. NERC (The North American Electric Reliability Corporation) is turning its focus from protection to planning before and during a destructive storm Fremtiden er elektrisk
Thank you for your attention Fremtiden er elektrisk