Climatology of coastal low level jets (CLLJs) over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea using local and spatial-pattern based techniques Hans von Storch1, Delei Li2 (李德磊) 1Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany; 2Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao, China. AMS annual conference, 9 January 2018, Austin
A wind speed maximum in the lowest kilometers of troposphere (Stensrud 1996) observed in many places of the word highest occurrence during summer in both hemispheres closely related to heavy rainfall Significance Strong wind: aviation safety, offshore wind energy applications transport of moisture and modify turbulence structure: heavy rainfall, convective fog and clouds mpact air-sea interaction processes: upwelling, aridity and dryness of coastal regions (cg. Nicholson, 2010) The broadest definition of a low-level jet (LLJ) is simply any lower-tropospheric maximum in the vertical profile of the horizontal winds. A LLJ can occur under favorable synoptic conditions anywhere in the world. Of practical interest is their impact on the transport of moisture. Of theoretical interest is the large amount of vertical wind shear associated with them and the observation that they are typically supergeostrophic by a large (>50%) amount. A large number of specific geographic locations all over the world have been identified as especially favorable for LLJ development. Among these locations is the Great Plains region of the United States, in which one of the most significant LLJs. Previous literature show Low level jet over the BYS, however, mostly based on case study. Walters et al. 2008 1. Introduction
High occurrence frequency over the BYS Motivation: High occurrence frequency over the BYS Previous studies were generally based on station observations (Sai and Miao, 2012; Wei et al. 2014) or short-term simulation (Du et al. 2014) , So far no detailed study of CLLJ properties and annual and decadal variability over the BYS 1. Introduction
Domain: Bohai and Yellow Sea COSMO-CLM 4.14 (CCLM, Rockel et al. 2008): Domain: Bohai and Yellow Sea Spectral nudging technique (von Storch et al. 2000); Forcing : ERA-Interim (0.75o, ERA-I); Grid resolution 7 km; Time period: 1979-2013. Climatological mean of observed (grey) and modeled (black) wind speed (dot) and direction (square) at four wind profile stations 2. Model, data and evaluation
Traditional Local definition of a CLLJ (Du et al. 2012) height 3 km Wind speed Color intensity represents W_max – min(W_min, W_3km) Wmin Wmax Traditional Local definition of a CLLJ (Du et al. 2012) 1) In the lowest 3000 m: Wmax ≥ 10 m/s; 2) Wmax – min(Wmin, W3km) ≥ 5 m/s; 3) Once a CLLJ was identified, the jet location, jet height, jet speed and direction were recorded 3. Identifying LLJs
A B Towards a spatial definition of CLLJs: example of two CLLJs (a) Colored region: detected low level jets in 1st April 2006 Dots: Wmax ≥ 10 m/s; Color: Wmax ≥ 10 m/s and Wmax – min(Wmin, W3km) ≥ 5 m/s and the number N of adjacent and connected points that fit the above conditions N=49; N=81; N=121; N=169. With the strengthening of detection criterion, the cover area of CLLJ decreases. Two regions of LLJ can be detected by all criteria: A and B. (c) (d) Color intensity represents W_max – min(W_min, W_3km) 3. Identifying LLJs
Towards a spatial definition of CLLJs: example of two CLLJs A: starting from weak and small LLJ, then growing and becoming strong LLJ, then decay and disappear B: a well developed LLJ at the beginning, then disintegrates into LLJ pieces, decaying and disappearing Based on such maps, an algorithm for detecting centers of CLLJs, tracking their propagation and disintegration will be developed. Cross section1: (lat: 33.62 40.18 N) (lon: 121.37 128.18E) 3. Identifying LLJs
Stronger CLLJ over the BS and the north YS; (a) annual mean frequency of occurrence (%) of CLLJ, (b) CLLJ mean wind speed (m/s), and (c) CLLJ mean occurrence height (m) Annual mean frequency of CLLJ occurrence: 8% – 20%, more frequent over the Bohai Sea (BS) and western coasts of Yellow Sea (YS) ; Stronger CLLJ over the BS and the north YS; CLLJ mean height are generally around 500 m. 3. Results
Spatial distributions of monthly occurrence frequency (%) of CLLJ CLLJ Season Annual cycle Strong intra-annual variability of CLLJ occurrence: low occurrence frequency in winter (< 12%) and very high occurrence frequency in April, May and June (> 21%); Larger values in the western part of the BYS and lower values in the eastern part of the BYS from March to August. CLLJ height generally less than 500 m with wind intensities mostly ranging from 10 to 18 m/s; Prevailing wind directions of CLLJ are southwesterly (app. 22.5%, app. 10% west-southwesterly), and then followed by southerly winds. 3. Results using local definition
CLLJ Season CLLJ statistics during CLLJ season jet height (%), Spatial distributions of monthly occurrence frequency (%) of CLLJ CLLJ Season CLLJ statistics during CLLJ season jet height (%), jet wind speed distribution jet height-wind speed distribution, jet wind rose. Strong intra-annual variability of CLLJ occurrence: low occurrence frequency in winter (< 12%) and very high occurrence frequency in April, May and June (> 21%); Larger values in the western part of the BYS and lower values in the eastern part of the BYS from March to August. CLLJ height generally less than 500 m with wind intensities mostly ranging from 10 to 18 m/s; Prevailing wind directions of CLLJ are southwesterly (app. 22.5%, app. 10% west-southwesterly), and then followed by southerly winds. 3. Results using local definition
Diurnal variations Diurnal variation of occurrence frequency (%) of CLLJ at a particular hour (UTC (Local Solar Time)) Strong diurnal variability, with more frequent occurrence of CLLJ in the night instead of daytime; Prevailing CLLJ have wind speed maximum between 200 and 400 m, with strength of 10 – 16 m/s, and with dominant southerly and south-southwesterly jet flows Diurnal cycle of CLLJ occurrence frequency for (a) jet height, (b) jet wind speed, and (c) jet wind direction 3. Results using local definition
CLLJ occurrence frequency (upper panel), mean wind speed (middle panel) and mean height (lower panel) in CLLJ-seasons of 1980s, 1990s and 2000s Decadal differences 3. Results using local definition
Summary and outlooks Summary Assessment of simulated CLLJ by comparing with observation Model is robust in reproducing the climatology, diurnal variation, variability of wind profiles and specific coastal low level jet cases. Climatology and variability of CLLJ over the Bohai and Yellow Sea (BYS) CLLJ over the BYS exhibits strong intra-annual and diurnal cycle variability, but weak decadal variability; CLLJ is more frequent in April, May and June; it is generally lower than 500 m with 10 – 16 m/s intensity, and prevailing wind directions are southerly and southwesterly; It is of nocturnal type, with highest occurrence frequency around 2300 at Local Time. Outlook CLLJ detection based on spatial-pattern techniques; CLLJ influence on offshore wind farm application and local rainfall; The contributions of remote and local forcing on CLLJ generation and variability