EPRA new powerpoint template design APRIL 21, 2017
INDEX Introduction Research, indices & investment Investors & Events Regulation & Reporting Next steps
INTRODUCTION For a decade EPRA has been managing and developing the investment indices which define Europe's listed real estate sector.
Research, indices & investment For a decade EPRA has been managing and developing the investment indices which define Europe's listed real estate sector. We conduct and support wide-ranging research revealing the true nature of this investment choice. Listed real estate is the most transparent and accountable property asset class, with short-term liquidity and long-term stability.
Investors & Events Every year EPRA organises various event platforms around Europe which give investors direct access to information on the listed sector and access to the leading players within it. These gatherings build on personal networks and support the sharing of experience and best practice. Some are for members only, several are held in private, and all provide an environment through which the sector, its organisation and its people can develop.
Representing a Gross Asset Value of > €365 Billion The EPRA Membership Member No. % Property Companies & REITS 124 56 Investors* 58 26 Academics 23 10 Consultants & others 18 8 Total 223 100 Representing a Gross Asset Value of > €365 Billion *Investment Companies, Insurance Companies/Funds, Banks & Stockbrokers
FTSE EPRA/NAREIT GLOBAL REAL ESTATE INDEX SERIES 493 Constituents € 1,430 Billion EMEA Americas Asia Pacific 128 Constituents € 227 Billion 178 Constituents € 754 Billion 181 Constituents € 449 Billion FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Real Estate Index * Represents the aggregate of Developed + Emerging, excluding AIM FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Emerging Real Estate Index 338 Constituents € 1,289 Billion 148 Constituents € 140 Billion North America AIM Index 105 Constituents 153 Constituents 80 Constituents 7 Constituents 23 Constituents 24 Constituents 107 Constituents € 204 Billion € 736 Billion € 349 Billion € 0.7 Billion € 23 Billion € 17 Billion € 90 Billion 16% 57% 27% 19% 12% 69% Source: FTSE, EPRA. Data as of March 31, 2017.
ATTRACTIVE DIVIDEND YIELD 5-year Average Yield Sources: ECB, FTSE, EPRA, NAREIT Data as of: March 31, 2017
DOMINIQUE MOERENHOUT EPRA CEO Teamwork, commitment and communication are key to a successful organisation. DOMINIQUE MOERENHOUT EPRA CEO