Monthly Mindsets Extended Advisory Lesson #3 Topics in Growth Mindset
A Proverb by W.E. Hisckson (1803-1870) “Tis a lesson you should heed: Try, try, try again. If at first you don’t succeed; Try, try, try again.” Read this quote to your class. Ask them what it means to them.
Mindsets and Mistakes Ask Students what they think today’s lesson is about.
Mindsets and Mistakes Say to students: “Today’s lesson is about making mistakes. People make mistakes all the time. We become better learners from making mistakes, and even better people. There are many famous people who have made many mistakes and experience failure before becoming famous. They all had something in common and today we are going to find out what that is.”
Famous For Failing Famous People who Failed Activity Steps: 1. Divide Class into 4 groups and give each group one Famous Person Slip. 2. Ask one Group Member to read the Famous Person Slip out loud to the group 3. Group Members discuss the story and decide if the person demonstrated effort and perseverance before becoming successful. 4. Group Members decide what Mindset was demonstrated by your famous person. Growth or Fixed? Divide your class into 4 groups, giving each group a Famous Person Slip. One student is the reader for the group. This student reads the person slip to their group members. Group members must discuss if the person demonstrated effort and perseverance before becoming successful and what mindset the famous person had (fixed or growth?). ** Ask the class as a Large Group which mindset was displayed by their famous person (all call out at once).
Mistake Mantras MANTRA… a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses one’s basic beliefs. Examples “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” “Anything is possible” “ Kindness matters most” Say to students “Before we begin our next activity, who can define the word “mantra” for us? Allow for sharing. A Mantra is a word or phrase that is repeated often or that expresses someone’s basic beliefs. It can be a quote you like or something you make up yourself that helps you stay focused on what is important to you.
Tweet Your Mantra! #MistakeMantra Activity / Exit Ticket In your group, use a growth mindset perspective and create a mantra in tweet form that expresses your belief about mistakes. Rules: Create a tweet in 140 characters or less that expresses your mistake mantra Transfer your tweet to your Class Tweet Sheet when you are done Turn the Class Tweet Sheet into Counseling by the end of the week. Your tweet will be tweeted! In their groups, students are to create a tweet of 140 characters or less that depicts a phrase they can say to themselves repeatedly about making mistakes when they adopt a Growth Mindset. Once created, the tweet is to be written clearly onto the Class Tweet Sheet which will is to be turned in to Counseling. The tweets will be tweeted, and all of the Class Tweet Sheets will be displayed within our school.