Network Team Institute July 8-12, 2013
Network Team Updates English Language Arts Common Core Math Common Core Data Driven Instruction (DDI) and EngageNY Data Portal Getting Smarter on Student Growth Measures Opening the Black Box: Setting Performance Standards and Using Test Scores to Inform Classroom Instruction from the 3-8 2013 Common Core Assessments
ELA Reminders: K-2 Listening and Learning Strand 3-5 6-12 Extension is required- builds critical thinking and writing skills Domains need to be taught in sequence 3-5 Module work, guided reading and independent accountable reading Modules need to be taught in sequence 6-12 Proficiency Units Units need to be taught in sequence Embed strategies with other texts Can be used in content areas
ELA 6-12 Common Core 6-12 Proficiency Units Reading Closely- Available Making Evidenced Based Claims Informational-Available Making Evidenced Based Claims Literary - Available Research to Understand Evidenced Based Arguments 9th Grade Module 1 due to be released in August
Curriculum Maps ELA Math K-8 K-6 Grade Specific- Available on Engage NY 7-12 coming soon Math K-12 Available on Engage NY
Math Common Core All modules to be complete in December Lesson Structure in Modules PK-5 Fluency Practice Concept Development Application Problems Student Debrief Additional components include exit tickets, worksheets and home work 6-10 Problem Sets Socratic Dialogue Exploration and Modeling Exit Tickets (daily formative assessments)
Math Common Core Available Modules Kindergarten: 1,2,5 1st Grade: 1,2 2nd Grade: 1,2,3,4 3rd Grade: 1,2,5 4th Grade: 1,2 5th Grade: 1,2,3 6th Grade: 1 (draft) 7th Grade: 1 (draft) 8th Grade: 1 (draft) Algebra 1: 1 (draft) Geometry 1: 1 (draft) Algebra 2: 1 (overview) Pre-Calculus: 1 (overview)
DDI and EngageNY Data Portal DDI Expectations and Metrics Tool EngageNY Data Portal Supports implementation of NYS CCLS Links to EngageNY resources
Getting Smarter on Student Growth Measures No changes for calculating growth in grades 4-8 Grades 9-12 principal growth measures include Mean growth percentile Comparative growth in Regents exams passed
Opening the Black Box: 3-8 2013 Common Core Assessments Presentation is not currently published on EngageNY Resources will be released to assist with interpretation including: Select percentage of test questions for each grade and subject Recommendations for conducting data analysis Annotated student score report
Professional Development Kits Adapting or Adopting the Common Core ELA and Mathematics Curriculum Criteria Documents used by vendors to create common core aligned curriculum APPR/Teacher Coaching Evidence collection tools aligned with the Common Core K-12 Classroom videos aligned to the Common Core Coaching Protocol
Professional Development Kits Understanding State Provided Growth Measures Teacher’s guide to interpreting your growth score Principal’s guide to interpreting your growth score Using growth measures video Data Driven Practice Presentation Learning target reflection Data meeting video Data meeting video conference guide
Professional Development Kits Principal Training: Teacher Training:
Thank you Network Team Institute November 12-15, 2013