Visual Arts – All Levels Mrs. Southwick Quarter 2 Independent Learning Activities Instructions: Complete all activities before the end of the quarter. * This can be found on my blog page to view in full color. Each activity needs to use up a minimum of ½ of a page. SET “A”
#1 Draw YOUR idea of Paradise.
#2 You Ought To Be In Pictures Imagine you are one of the people in this painting. Answer the following in complete sentences: What are you thinking? What do you think has happened? What emotion is being displayed in this work? Is this a portrait and why do you think the artist has the two figure looking directly at the viewer? You Ought To Be In Pictures
#4 Using only letters create the silhouette of any cartoon character, animal, person, or object. It can be one letter repeated, a word(s) repeated, or phrase.
#5 Draw your hand holding something --- pen, pencil, paintbrush, whatever. Use good contour and shading.
“All bark and no bite” “Go down in flames” #6 Idiom Warm-up Idiom: a word or phrase which means something different from its literal meaning. From your point of view, illustrate one of the following idioms: “Run out of steam” “All bark and no bite” “Go down in flames”
#7 What do you imagine each character is thinking or saying? If needs be, pull this image up on your device in full color to better see it.
#8 Create a drawing combining two things together. This can be an animal with another animal, or animal with an object, etc.
#9 Illustrate a Joke Note: (ONLY APPROPRIATE JOKES FOR SCHOOL!): Draw the visual representation of the joke. Be sure to include characters, setting, props, etc. -- Color is optional
#10 Illustrate a decorative letter. It can be the first letter of your name or any letter you wish to embellish. Think of contrast and making the letter stand out from your page. Use the full ½ page! Marker, pen or colored pencil. Can be black and white or have color. Look up Illuminated Manuscripts for examples.
Once ALL of them are complete, staple in the corner and turn in to the hand-in basket. Let me know if you have questions or concerns! Good luck and HAVE FUN WITH IT!