Communication Template March 13-15, 2013 Intermountain Medical Center Salt Lake City, Utah Communication Template From the Bedside to the Balance Sheet: Engaging Front-line and Finance Staff to Lower Costs and Drive Quality Jill - Welcome What will you do by Tuesday?
Aim & Strategic alignment What are you trying to accomplish? How does this align with your strategic priorities and key initiatives?
Global Metric Consider at least one (1) run chart that demonstrates the impact of your portfolio on a global metric for your organization, service line or department (see example). Describe: Directions: Create a run chart demonstrating your savings/tracking over time. This slides should reflect a summary of your work over the past 1-2 years. See example on the following slide. Consider one of the following types of global metrics: Cost/case Cost/discharge % operating expense (dollar savings to date)
Example Global Metric This is just an example. You can delete this slide from your final slide set and replace it with your own global metric.
Key stakeholders List & describe
Potential Portfolio Aim of Portfolio: Current Portfolio Projects: Percentage of Operating Budget Savings in US Dollars Project Name Projected Savings Savings to Date Key Changes Quality Measure $ Totals Directions: Please list your organization’s projects, projected savings, savings to date, key changes and quality measure(s). Key Changes: What did you do? Examples might be “implemented bundles” or “standardized guidelines” Quality Measure(s): What aspect of clinical performance or patient/family experience are you tracking for this project? What are you measuring to know if you are on track? If no quality measure, did you analyze? "N/A Yes" or "N/A No"...."
1 – Charter established 2 – Activity, but no changes 3 – Modest improvement 4 – Significant progress 5 – Outstanding success Project Progress Project Name / Month 2012 2013 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ED Flow Antibiotic stewardship 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Directions: List projects from your portfolio down the first column. For each project, describe your progress over the past year (+) using the 1-5 scale above. The timeline begins January 2011 – December 2012 See examples above.
Learning from tests of change Will these projects created capacity/capability in the organization for more improvement? How? What processes (clinical or operational) will need to change as a result of your potential portfolio? What outcomes do you expect to change? Please describe Directions: Have these projects created capacity/capability in the organization for more improvement? How? What processes (clinical or operational) have changed as a result of your Impacting Cost + Quality projects? Have outcomes changed? Please describe We will summarize and give feedback to group on learning across the Impacting Cost + Quality prototyping group.
Potential Barriers & Breakthroughs ‘Derailers’ or potential threats Opportunities
Timeline & Next steps Internal messaging (talking points) 7-days