Latvian saeima Compliers: Elis Tisler, Harli Lees, Tagmar Vesingi, Rauno Rand, Andres Aleksander Kase 23.11.2018
About Saeima The Saeima is the parliament of the Republic of Latvia There are 100 members of the Latvian Saeima. There are 23 women and 77 men in Saeima. Deputies are elected to represent one of five constituencies: Kurzeme (13 deputies), Latgale (15), Riga (30), Vidzeme (27), and Zemgale (15) It lays on the Klostera street in Riga. 23.11.2018
Parties of Saeima Saeima has 13 parties. The major parties are Harmony Centre, Unity, Zatlers’ Reform Party, National Alliance, Union of Greens and Farmers, Latvia’s First Party/Latvian Way and For Human Rights in United Latvia. 23.11.2018
Saeima history The main building of the Saeima was constructed between 1863 and 1867. It was destroyed in 1950 and it has been re-built several times On the 18th of November, when The Republic of Latvia was proclaimed, it consisted of 40 members only. 23.11.2018
Saeimas important members One of the important members is prime minister Laimdota Straujuma. The work of the Saeima is supervised by its Presidium. The Presidium consists of five MPs: the Speaker, two Deputy Speakers, the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary. The Speaker is one of the top officials of the state, who represents the Saeima. The current speaker of the Saeima is Solvita Āboltiņa. 23.11.2018
Latvian presidents Latvia have had 9 presidents. First president of Latvia was Jānis Čakste. There have only been one female president, whose name was Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga. 23.11.2018
Used materials 23.11.2018