“No More Dabbling” Or… “Why Is There A Gorilla Playing Drums On My Screen?”
“A drum-playing gorilla has just gone superviral, drumming its way through the consciousness of the country almost independently of the media money Cadbury is spending on it.” (Naresh Ramchandani, Media Guardian, 10.9.07)
“The web community may just have lived through its most iconic creative moment thanks to a man in a gorilla suit and a Phil Collins pop hit from the 80s” (Media Guardian, 24.9.07)
“Its 28 different postings on YouTube have garnered 10m views “Its 28 different postings on YouTube have garnered 10m views. It has been spoofed with a toy gorilla as well as remixed with a 50 Cent and a Bonnie Tyler track. It is simple, bonkers and funny” (Media Guardian, 1.10.07)
Digital Advertising PR
“I still think it’s slightly less embarrassing to be seen getting out of the back of a sheep than getting out of the back of a Skoda” (The Mirror, February 2000)
“History’s biggest comeback since Bobby Ewing stepped out of the shower, the new Skoda is hip and sexy - yes, sexy” (The Mirror, April 2000)
ONLINE: Your playmate is back…and you can’t help but play Creme Egg – 2007 Programme OFFLINE Phase 1 : They’ve landed! OFFLINE Phase 2: How do you eat yours? Coronation St Idents Outdoor Posters +Text code mechanic : TVA: ‘My Way’ Experiential ‘Gooniversity Challenge’ ONLINE: Your playmate is back…and you can’t help but play Mobile Game ‘Stop the Goo’ youtube.com User Generated Content Cremeegg.co.uk cadbury.co.uk MSN, Yahoo, Lycos Online Advertising Viral Game ‘Goo-Earth’
Brand Behaviour vs Brand Comms “Being” vs “Saying/Telling”
Brand Behaviour vs Brand Comms Knowing Who Pretending To Be You Are & Being vs Who You’d Like True To It To Be
Brand Behaviour vs Brand Comms Authenticity Contrived Integrity vs Rehearsed Consistency ‘Staged’
Brand Behaviour vs Brand Comms Telling People Telling People What They Might vs What You Want Be Interested In To Tell Them
Brand Behaviour vs Brand Comms No Stage vs “Front Stage” Only
Brand Behaviour vs Brand Comms Brands As Soap Operas “To Entertainers vs Gather The Audience” & Interrupt With Commercial Break
“90 seconds of profligate nonsense which has nothing to do with Dairy Milk. It’s not even featured!” (Anon, Campaign, 7.9.07)
“Is it a great telly ad. Is it a great viral. Is it digital “Is it a great telly ad? Is it a great viral? Is it digital? Is it all of the above? None? Or simply an outstanding bit of film? What are the rules again?” (Private View, Campaign, 28.9.07)
omg!!! thats the best advert that ive eva seen love the advert, hu thinks the gorilla is real? Nel? nah apparently its Phil Collins himself in a suit i luv this advert; dunno why it just makes me smile Best advert ever!!!
Okay, this is a brilliant advert, but a gorilla playing the drums to Phil Colins (i think) To me has nothing to do with chocolate. Mate its to do with feeling! It all about feeling happiness when we eat chocolate! Where’s the link to Cadbury’s? Who gives a shit? How many years will it take for you to forget this add?? :-)
How does a Ape playing Genesis Have anything to do with Chocolate!? Because I like chocolate, and I like this too :-)
It’s a man in a gorilla suit. There was a feature on the ad in Nuts mag. I read on Wikipedia that the Gorilla druming is supposed to represent the enjoyment of eating the chocolate.
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