5-Para Information Part II
Review Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2-4: Paragraph 5: Hook Grabs Attention General Topic Sentences Background Information Thesis Argument or Clear Statement Paragraph 2-4: Each paragraph states the subtopic and gives supporting details with examples or reasons Paragraph 5: Restates the thesis Reminds the reader of the three main supporting ideas that were developed.
Homework Check Read the introduction paragraph Answer the following questions: Does it have a clear and brief hook? Does it have a clear GTS? Is it easy to understand the Thesis? Is the Hook 1-3 sentences? Is the GTS 3-5 sentences? Is the Thesis 1 sentence?
Homework Check Post the thesis online Pollev.com/randon
The Body Statement Opinion Note: DO NOT BLEND IDEAS The Body Statement Opinion Since its invention, the smartphone has done nothing but distract students, lower face-to-face communication, and cause further technology addiction. Distract students Lower comm. More addiction It is therefore my opinion that the invention of the cell phone has done nothing but distract students, lower face-to-face communication, and cause addiction. Distract students Lower comm. More addiction
Body Paragraphs The first example will become your first sentence of your body paragraph (topic sentence) Ex: One reason that cellphones are harmful is because it distracts students from there work. Sentences following your topic sentence are called supporting sentences. Topic sentences are supported with: Examples Explanations Facts Definitions Reasons
Conclusion Paragraph
Conclusion Outline: Thesis (restated) Summary Connector
Sentence 1: Restated Thesis First prepare a modified thesis: Normal Thesis: Therefore, mobile phones have to potential to cause harmful effects for many reasons. …modify it… In conclusion, our mobile phones are causing quite a few negative effects. Check Your Notes
Sentence 2: Summary Topic 1: Lower Comm. Topic 3: More Addiction Thesis: Therefore, mobile phones have to potential to cause harmful effects for many reasons. Topic 1: Distracts Students Detail 1 Detail 2 Detail 3 Topic 2: Lower Comm. Topic 3: More Addiction
Put the Thesis Restated & Summary Together Topic 1: distracts students, Topic 2: lower communication, and Topic 3: more addiction. In conclusion, our mobile phones are causing quite a few negative effects. They are distracting students from their work, lowering authentic communication and are causing addictive qualities toward the over users. You just need to take the subtopic sentences and place them together to create 1-sentence. You will need add some words here and there in order to make a good, complete sentence.
Write your connection at the end of your paragraph Sentence 3: Connector Need to connect what you’ve said…to something the reader sees everyday Good Connection: So the next time you are using your smartphone in front of your family or friends, remember that it is actually causing more damage than good. Good Connection: We should all be aware of the serious effects of what our smartphones can do since the majority of the population in Korea have one sitting in our pockets. Good Connection: So as a result, constantly using your smartphone is not a very smart thing to do. Write your connection at the end of your paragraph In conclusion, our mobile phones are causing quite a few negative effects. They are distracting students from their work, lowering authentic communication and are causing addictive qualities toward the over users. So we must all be aware of the serious effects of what our smartphones can do since the majority of the population in Korea have one sitting in our pockets.
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HOMEWORK Quiz – 5 Paragraph essay information …if… You want to read ahead, Start reading in unit 8