What are the effects of Global Warming? Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson: All will be able to name at least 4 possible impacts of climate change. Most will understand that increased CO2 emissions are linked to climate change. Some may be able to explain how these may impact everyday life.
Brainstorm- Create a newspaper headline (by the end of the music!)
De Bono’s Hats- Imaginary Hats In your groups you will be given a piece of written work. Your Task- take on the role of the ‘hat’ (imaginary) when instructed and select the relevant information from the text Write down what you found!
Today you will be THINKING about Climate Change using these SIX HATS by Edward De Bono Give an Overview Show your emotions Give just the facts Think positively Spot the problems Think of new ways to do things
White Hat – ‘facts & figures’ What are the facts and figures? (HINT-look for a number and write down the fact attached to it) Extension- Place names and dates?
Red Hat – ‘emotional thinking’ What words sprang to mind as soon as you looked at this (article and/or starter image? What did you feel as soon as you saw this?
Yellow Hat – ‘positive thinking’ Be positive! What are the good points? What happy things are there?
Black Hat – ‘critical thinking’ Assess the issue Is there an agenda? Are the facts & figures accurate? What are the positive/negative impacts?
Purple Hat – ‘problem solving’ What are the problems with this? What are the scary points? What might go wrong? Be negative.
Green Hat – ‘creative/future thinking’ What are the alternatives? What suggestions would you make? What ideas do you have?
Class discussion/feedback White Hat- Red Hat- Yellow Hat- Black Hat- Purple Hat- Green Hat-
Lesson Review (Reflection time) I can: (All will be able to) name at least 4 possible impacts of climate change. (Most will) understand that increased CO2 emissions are linked to climate change. (Some may be able to) explain how these may impact everyday life. Thumbs up/ middle/ down? Thumbs up/ middle/ down?
Homework/ Extension activity Using your notes create a short report on the effects climate change can have on humans and the environment.