FloridaHATS Miami Coalition Strategic Planning 2014
Welcome & Overview Review of barriers, opportunities and Vision Statement from last meeting All youth and young adults in South Florida, including those with Disabilities and special health care needs will successfully transition into adult health care. Today we will Look at Strengths and Themes Identify Gaps between those themes and the Vision Statement Homework for next time?
Community Strengths & Themes Each participant is asked to take 10 minutes and independently write down answers to the following: What 2-3 things do you think are most important to youth and young adults with complex medical needs regarding health care transition? What 2-3 things are most important for families of youth and young adults with complex medical needs regarding health care transition? What 2-3 things do you think are most important to Providers of Care to youth and young adults with complex medical needs regarding health care transition? Report back to the group If people have responses from conversations with staff and patients, Kristen will collect them and write them on the board while people discuss
Community Strengths & Themes Identify Themes Looking at the overall list, what themes are present? Each participant is asked to vote on their top 2 themes What is encompassed by these themes?
Health Care Transition Assessment / Gap Analysis What is the GAP between our vision and our themes? Who else should be involved, to help address these GAPs? (example: although some kids have continuity of care not all do- where is the Gap?) Provide lists, ask group to consider these lists and who else should be involved- example: perhaps these are the folks this group educates first, if we decide that education is a part of the action plan?
Wrap Up & Next Steps Next meeting is April 3rd- 11-1 Homework reviewing Forces of Change Assessment and Youth / Young Adult Health Status Assessment Homework