Human Growth and Development Class #19 May 12, 2011
Agenda Final chance for book reviews Finish discussing menu plans Last comments about adolescence Film: “It won’t happen to me” Form groups for adulthood activity
Book reviews Be sure to introduce yourself To show book on camera, Use the buttons in black box area on front edge of ELMO, tele to zoom in and wide to show larger pictures
Menu Plans From a “kid’s” perspective, what makes a good lunch? From a nutritionist’s perspective, what makes a good lunch? From the school’s perspective, what makes a good lunch? What components need to be in a lunch? How does the lunch you were presented meet the expectations of nutritionists, parents, and kids?
Adolescent Egocentrism Fables and Illusions Personal Fable Illusion of Invulnerability or Invincibility Fable Imaginary audience Peer pressure
Identity Formation Identity states: foreclosure diffusion moratorium achievement
Group Formation We need 4 groups - 3 - 4 persons in each group No more than 6 members in any one group Select a recorder for your group This activity is worth a lot of points – take it seriously! Be here – don’t let your group down!
Group Discussion Project on Adulthood
Questions for each Group Gains or advantages of being in this age group Pitfalls, drawbacks or challenges of being in this age group
Group 1 ages 18 - 30 Group 2 ages 31 – 50 Group 3 ages 51 – retirement Group 4 retirement to 75 (early old age) and to death (the old-old)
Instructions Get into your group; turn in the names of all people in your group Get 2 sheets of flip chart paper; 3 pens each a different color Appoint a recorder or two Brainstorm issues and facts for the age group assigned to your group Appoint a reporter Place your lists-in-progress on the cabinet in the back of the room for the weekend Be ready to report out at the beginning of class on Tuesday
On your sheets choose from the lists you prepared for class Gains or advantages of being in this age group Aim for 15 for biological/physical domain Aim for 15 for cognitive domain Aim for 15 for psychosocial domain Pitfalls, drawbacks or challenges of being in this age group
Before Reporting Out Biosocial Domain B Cognitive Domain C Using a color pen you have not used yet, indicate whether it is an issue of the Biosocial Domain B Cognitive Domain C Psychosocial Domain P
Assignment for Tuesday 5-17-11 You will have 10 minutes to complete your answer sheet for the test. BE ON TIME!! You will have 10 minutes to meet with your group and complete your lists. Your group will have 5 minutes to present your list to the class. Then we will complete the next steps in the activity – be here to earn the points!