Library Outreach to Administrative Professionals in a Biomedical Research Institution Benjamin Hoover, Marie C. Cirelli, Robyn B. Reed, Lori B. Snyder, Penn State College of Medicine, Harrell Health Sciences Library: Research and Learning Commons Introduction Administrative professionals employed by biomedical researchers are charged with a variety of library-related research responsibilities. To increase their knowledge and proficiency in these tasks, the library developed a series of workshops and a resource guide aimed specifically at assisting this population. Results Aggregated attendance was 52 people over 3 workshops in 2015, 16 people over the same number of workshops in 2016, and 39 people over 5 workshops in 2017. Usage of the LibGuide created in preparation for the workshops generated more than 3,000 views in a two year period. In 2015 there were 710 page views, in 2016 there were 2,228 page views, and in 2017 there have been to date 846. Results of the post-workshop surveys indicated that the workshops were generally well-received. Conclusion The decrease in workshop attendance and increased LibGuide use between 2015 and 2016 may be attributed to a small pool of candidates and repeated workshop topics, or a preference for a self-service online resource. In 2016, the library was undergoing a major renovation which affected the number of workshops offered and could have impacted number of attendees. In addition, users may have chosen to find online help rather than come to the library while it was under construction. Challenges faced by the team include teaching a group of individuals with varied technology levels, maintaining interest in the workshops by offering relevant topics in a timely manner, and communicating the value of the workshops and LibGuide to the target audience. Goals To increase knowledge regarding library resources among the ~90 administrative professionals across clinical and academic departments. To provide a point of contact within the library for future questions. Attendance Class 2015 2016 2017 Library Overview 17 4 12 Endnote Web 14 7 10 Author Support 21 NA MyNCBI 5 11 Library Databases 2 Copyright and You Looking Forward Based on the data collected over the past 3 years, the library anticipates the continuation of workshops for administrative professionals as well as maintaining the LibGuide for this audience. Workshop topics and LibGuide content will undergo careful consideration to ensure they cover areas of interest, are up to date and are relevant to administrative professionals. Methods Designed workshops addressing challenges noted from reference tracking software and anecdotal knowledge. Assembled a LibGuide that contained content covered in workshops for future reference. Marketed workshops to target audience using a listserv for administrative professionals. Figure 1 illustrates how the various components of the administrative professionals program work together to increase awareness and use of library resources and services. Figure 1 Created in Loopy