Aim: Describe the creation of the National Assembly and the storming of the Bastille
The National Assembly 1789 Estates General Meeting Assembly rules Each estate’s delegates met in a separate hall to vote The two privileged estates always outvoted Third Estate Third Estate (Bourgeoisie) eager to make changes to government Insisted that all 3 estates meet together Give advantage to the Third Estate King sided with the nobles Third Estate became more determined to wield power Third Estate delegates name themselves the National Assembly Pass laws and reforms in name of French 6/17/1789: Voted to end absolute monarchy 2
Storming the Bastille Some people suggested that Louis was intent on using military force to dismiss the National Assembly July 14: mob searching for gunpowder and arms stormed the Bastille (Paris Prison) Mob overwhelmed the guard and seized control of the building Fall of the Bastille became a great symbolic act of revolution for the French July 14, Bastille Day has been a French national holiday Similar to Fourth of July in the United States 3
A Great Fear Sweeps France Wild rumors circulated that the nobles were hiring outlaws to terrorize the peasants Resulted in wave of senseless panic called the Great Fear Peasants became outlaws Peasants Broke into nobles’ manor houses and destroyed old legal papers that bound them to pay feudal dues October 1789: Parisian women rioted over rising price of bread Marched on Versailles palace Demanded that the National Assembly take action to provide bread Demanded that Louis and Marie Antoinette return to Paris Louis agreed and exit signaled change of power and reforms 4