Test your knowledge: Can you name the Order? Can you name the Class? BIO 106 SPECIMENS Test your knowledge: Can you name the Order? Can you name the Class?
Name the Order Name the Family Diptera Culicidae
Name the Class Arachnida - Tick
Name the Order Anoplura - louse
Name the Order Hemiptera
Name the Class Arachnida
Name the Class Chilopoda
Name the Order Orthoptera
Name the Class Crustacea
Name the Order Hymenoptera
Name the Class Diplopoda
Name the Order Dermaptera
Name the Order Diptera
Name the Order Hymenoptera
Name the Order Lepidoptera
Name the Order Coleoptera
Name the Order Hymenoptera
Name the Order Diptera
Name the Order Orthoptera
Name the Order Lepidoptera
Name the Order Diptera
Name the Order Coleoptera
Name the Order Diptera
Name the Class Arachnida
Name the Order Hymenoptera
Name the Class Crustacea
Name the Order Odonata
Name the Order Hymenoptera
Name the Class Arachnida
Name the Order Lepidoptera
Name the Order Hymenoptera
Don’t forget you will be able to use the key to help you out. How did you do? Don’t forget you will be able to use the key to help you out. Good luck!