Homer Simpson is 39 years old Homer Simpson is 39 years old. He is a Nuclear Safety Inspector that never really comes to work. He is married to Marge Bouvier. His children are Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson. He likes to break and mess things up and also sit on the couch and drink beer while watching TV.
Marge Bouvier is a stay at home mom Marge Bouvier is a stay at home mom. She is married to Homer Simpson and her kids are Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. She is very caring and has to put up with a lot of drama with Homer.
Bart is a student at Springfield Elementary Bart is a student at Springfield Elementary. He is always in trouble and likes riding his skateboard. Also gets beat up by his dad.
Lisa Simpson pretty much hates her dad and brother Lisa Simpson pretty much hates her dad and brother. She is very smart and enjoys playing the saxophone. She hates dumb people.
Maggie Simpson is the youngest out of them Maggie Simpson is the youngest out of them. She doesn’t work nor does anyone know how old she is, and she has said the same thing since episode one “NOTHING”
The Simpsons are a nuclear family The Simpsons are a nuclear family. They have been together since day one.
The Simpsons have been around since 1989 and their first episode being in December. They have over 23 seasons and now on their 500th episode. They have been around for a long time.
Homer makes the rules well most of the time Homer makes the rules well most of the time. Marge always makes sure they are not rules that will get them hurt, but by the time she has done that he or the family has broke something. Bart doesn’t listen to his dad unless its good. Lisa just blows Homer off most of the time but if she thinks he is trying to do something she listens. Maggie just sits their and does nothing. Marge loves Homer but wants to slap him most of the time because of the things he does.
The Simpsons are a bilateral family The Simpsons are a bilateral family. They get things past down to them by their mother and farther all the time.