Dedicated to my students with fears…. Whether those fears are of: food that talks, claymation, clowns, flying, college, future plans, or anything else! This is for you!
When you meet your fears, do you look them in the eye?
Or do you make them say “goodbye”
To them, do you say “Bug a Boo!”
Or I’m afraid to talk to you?
Do they want to make you shout?
Or do you want to hug it out?
Do you ever stop and think?
Or are you afraid to blink?
Those fears, do they make you mad?
Oh look, here’s the artist, wearing plaid!
You will begin to feel okay
When you drive your fears away
Think on it, maybe take a chance
And at the end, just maybe, you’ll want to dance
James Derosso
Or do they make you fill with doubt?