ESSPROS Conference Main conclusions Agenda point 6 DSS Meeting 25 - 26 February 2015
ESSPROS Conference 19 November 2014 50th anniversary of the European System of Social PROtection Statistics (ESSPROS) Discuss future developments of ESSPROS
User requirements General users: Questionnaire on-line on Eurostat web site Specific users: Conference participants (EMPL, ECFIN, SPC-ISG, OECD, National administrations, etc.) More than 20 possible future developments were discussed
Future developments? 5 areas and examples 1) improving dissemination of collected data (ex: dissemination of data by scheme) 2) improving timeliness (for ex. by improving efficiency of existing production process) 3) more details (for ex. qualitative information by scheme) 4) extension of the scope of ESSPROS ("net enlarged" module; other beneficiaries) 5) methodological developments (links with other statistics, ex. National accounts or EU-SILC; improving/clarifying implementation of existing methodology)
Priorities : user perspective Links with national accounts Methodological review + improvement of existing system Dissemination of data by scheme (27/33 OK) Improving timeliness Number of beneficiaries Net enlarged module NB: links between different developments
"Costs": producer perspective Questionnaire on costs to be circulated Discussion in the Working Group on Social protection statistics (26-27 March 2015): "cost –benefit analysis" Resources ?
Main conclusions by directors EMPL and ESTAT Political support: rebalancing economic and social objectives in the European semester ( growing importance of social statistics) Better links between different data sources Conference: good initiative to maintain dialogue between users and producers of statistics
Thank you