Asking personal questions in Japanese?
Name Onamae wa nan desuka? What is your name?/Can I have your name? <name> <what> What is your name?/Can I have your name?
Age nan sai desuka? <what> <years old> How old are you?
Where from Nihon no doko kara desu ka? Where about Japan are you from? <Japan> <where> <from> Where about Japan are you from?
Sports Donna supootsu o shimasuka? What kind of sports do you play? <what kind of> <sports> <play> What kind of sports do you play?
Shumi wa nan desuka? Hobbies What is your hobby? <hobby> <what> What is your hobby?
Favourite food Sukina tabemono wa nan desuka? <favourite> <food> <what> What is your favourite food?