Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ PRUNE - us sair - yew - LAY - tuh Common name: Japanese flowering cherry FORM: deciduous tree, 20-25’ tall, 15-20’ wide, round to vase-like shape Arrangement: alternate Composition: simple serrate margin Veins: pinnate Leaf: length 3”, width 1 ½”
Foliage: ovate leaf shape, 3” to 5” long & up to 2” wide Flowers: 2” double flowers that range from white to pink Fruit: blackish purple fruit Vertical branching New foliage is red Leaves are pointed at the apex Mature leaf petiole will have a gland on each side of upper surface (Not so on Malus) Bark will have lenticels going horizontally around the stem Zones 3-8
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’
Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’
FLOWER Spring Double pink