Warm Up – April 9th Open the class blog site and preview the week ahead. ---- What do you know about the Senior Project Portfolio? What would you like to know?
Learning Targets: I can locate, perfect, and upload documents that are needed for my senior research project portfolio. I can make a connection between these assorted documents (resume, personal statement, project proposal, research essay) and the purpose behind the creating of my portfolio.
Find, Perfect, and Print the following documents: Resume(did you create one junior year? Find it, update it, upload it.) Sample resume. College Admissions Essay/Personal Statement (find it in Google Docs – we wrote this in September, I believe – perfect it, and upload it.) Project Proposal (Find this in Google Docs, perfect it if necessary, and upload it.) Senior Research Essay (Google Docs, perfect, upload.) Portfolio Checklist (CHS Website – find in the handbook on pages 18, 20, or 22) ***You have today AND tomorrow to complete this, so do your best work***
Homework Get hours by 4/26!