Introduction to Drama
What is Drama? Drama is a type of literature that is primarily written to be performed for an audience. When reading a play, it is important to keep certain features of drama in mind. Some of these features relate to drama as literature; others reflect its character as a performance.
Types of Drama- Tragedy Tragedy: A play in which the main character experiences disaster, but faces this downfall in such a way as to attain heroic stature.* Even though Tragedies are “gloomy” they are triumphant, because they inspire exaltation at the greatness human beings can attain even in defeat.
Comedy Comedy closes with a peaceful resolution of the main conflict.* High Comedy: The humor arises from subtle characterization, social satire, and sophisticated wit. Low Comedy: Emphasizes absurd dialogue, bawdy jokes, visual gags, and physical humor.*
Elements of Drama External Conflict: Pits a character against nature or fate, society, or another character Internal conflict: Between opposing forces within a character. Protagonist: The central character of the play and often undergoes radical changes as the action progresses.* Antagonist: The character who opposes the main character*
Foil: A minor character whose traits contrast sharply with those of the protagonist Dialogue: Conversations between characters Monologue: A long speech spoken by a single character to himself or herself, or to the audience Soliloquy: A monologue in which a character speaks his or her private thoughts aloud and appears to be unaware of the audience.
Aside: a short speech or comment delivered by a character to the audience, but unheard by the other characters who are present.
Conventions of Drama Cast of Characters: listed in the beginning of the play, before the action starts. Act: a major division of a play Scenes: Major division of an act Stage Directions: a dramatist’s instructions for performing a play.